5 votes

Day 17: Pyroclastic Flow

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/17

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

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1 comment

  1. bhrgunatha
    Finished off part 2, after some struggle. Data Each shape is a set of brick offsets from their top left corner. Need to know how tall and wide they are too. (struct shape (bricks tall wide)...

    Finished off part 2, after some struggle.

    Data Each shape is a set of brick offsets from their top left corner. Need to know how tall and wide they are too.
    (struct shape (bricks tall wide) #:transparent)
    (define WIDTH 7)
    (define (parse-shapes shapes)
      (for/list ([s (in-list (map lines (groups shapes)))])
        (for*/fold ([max-row 0]
                    [max-col 0]
                    [S (set)]
                    #:result (shape S (add1 max-row) (add1 max-col)))
                   ([(l row) (in-indexed (in-list s))]
                    [(c col) (in-indexed (in-string l))]
                    #:when (char=? c #\#))
          (values (max max-row row)
                  (max max-col col)
                  (set-add S (list (- row) col))))))
    Part 1 Super simple, just call tetris with the year!
    (define (part-01 input)
      (tetris input 2022))
    Part 2

    For part 2, increase the number of dropped shapes and pass #t to catch cycles. DONE!

    (define (part-02 input)
      (tetris input 1000000000000 #t))

    Aaah, but you want to see tetris too? Shield your poor eyes and brains, it gets ugly real quick.

    Tetris, since you insist
    (define (tetris jets rounds [cycle #f])
      (define next-wind (wind-supply jets))
      (define next-rock (rock-supply (parse-shapes shapes)))
      (for/fold ([chamber (hash)]
                 [index-top -1]
                 [cache (hash)]
                 #:result (add1 index-top))
                ([i (in-naturals)]
                 #:break (>= i rounds))
        (define-values (rock ri) (next-rock))
        (define-values (C top wi)
          (drop-shape chamber rock (+ index-top (shape-tall rock) 3) next-wind))
        (define top+ (max index-top top))
        (cond [cycle
               (define blocks-id  (block-shape C top+))
               (define cache-id (list wi ri blocks-id))
               (define cache+ (hash-set cache cache-id (list i top+)))
               (cond [(hash-has-key? cache cache-id)
                      (match-define (list i-prev top-prev) (hash-ref cache cache-id))
                      (define cycle-height (- top+ top-prev))
                      (define cycle-size (- i i-prev))
                      (define cycles (quotient (- rounds i) cycle-size))
                      (define new-top (+ top+ (* cycle-height cycles)))
                      (set! rounds (- rounds (* cycle-size cycles)))
                      ;; no need to keep checking the cache
                      (set! cycle #f)
                      ;; update the chamber to reflect the new height
                      ;; or the next released shape is going to fall a loooooooooooong way
                      (define new-chamber
                        (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash C)])
                          (match-define (list r c) k)
                          (values (list (+ r (* cycle-height cycles)) c) v)))
                      (values new-chamber new-top cache+)]
                     [else (values C top+ cache+)])]
              [else (values C top+ cache)])))
    (define (wind-supply input)
      (define l (string-length input))
      (define i 0)
      (define cache
        (for/hash ([c (in-string input)] [i (in-naturals)])
          (values i c)))
      (λ ()
        (begin0 (values (hash-ref cache i) i)
          (set! i (if (= (sub1 l) i) 0 (add1 i))))))
    (define (rock-supply shapes)
      (define l (length shapes))
      (define i 0)
      (define cache (list->vector shapes))
      (λ ()
        (begin0 (values (vector-ref cache i) i)
          (set! i (if (= (sub1 l) i) 0 (add1 i))))))
    (define (drop-shape chamber rock rock-top next-wind)
      (define wide (shape-wide rock))
      (for/fold ([top rock-top]
                 [left 2]
                 [wi 0]
                 [stopped? #f]
                 #:result (values (add-rock chamber rock top left) top wi))
                ([_ (in-naturals)]
                 #:break stopped?)
        (define-values (dir wi) (next-wind))
        (define left+ (wind-move chamber rock dir top left (+ left wide)))
        (if (blocked? chamber rock (sub1 top) left+)
            (values top left+ wi #t)
            (values (sub1 top) left+ wi #f))))
    (define (wind-move chamber rock wdir top left right)
      (cond [(char=? wdir #\<)
             (cond [(<= left 0) left]
                   [(blocked? chamber rock top (sub1 left)) left]
                   [else (sub1 left)])]
            [(char=? wdir #\>)
             (cond [(>= right WIDTH) left]
                   [(blocked? chamber rock top (add1 left)) left]
                   [else (add1 left)])]
            [else (error 'wind-move "bad wind! ~a" wdir)]))
    (define (blocked? chamber rock top left)
      (define P (list top left))
      (for/or ([brick (in-set (shape-bricks rock))])
        (define pos (point+ P brick))
        (or (negative? (first pos)) (hash-has-key? chamber pos))))
    (define (add-rock chamber rock top left)
      (define rp (list top left))
      (for/fold ([chamber chamber])
                ([p (in-set (shape-bricks rock))])
        (hash-set chamber (point+ rp p) "▓")))
    (define (point+ a b) (map + a b))
    (define (show-chamber chamber top)
      (define free (mutable-seteq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
      (for ([row (in-inclusive-range top 0 -1)]
            #:break (set-empty? free))
        (printf "~a |" (~a #:max-width 10 #:width 10 #:align 'right row))
        (for ([col (in-range WIDTH)])
          (cond [(hash-has-key? chamber (list row col))
                 (set-remove! free col)
                 (printf "▓")]
                [else (printf " ")]))
        (printf "|\n"))
      (printf "           +-------+\n")
      (printf "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n" ))
    ;; To find a cycle:
    ;; A cycle will have the same blocks for the same current shape and wind index.
    ;; e.g width 3 wind index 31 and rock 2
    ;; ▓ ▓
    ;;   ▓
    ;; ▓ ▓
    ;; ▓▓
    ;; No brick can fall past blockages so this is the pattern to find. Ignore anything below. 
    ;; Convert it to a string to store in a cache.
    (define (block-shape chamber top)
      (define lowest (probe-blocked chamber top))
      (for/fold ([id ""])
                ([row (in-inclusive-range top lowest -1)])
        (for/fold ([line ""]
                   #:result (string-append id line))
                  ([col (in-range WIDTH)])
           (if (hash-has-key? chamber (list row col))
               "1" "0")))))
    (define (probe-blocked chamber top)
      (define free (mutable-seteq 0 1 2 3 4 5 6))
      (define (min-blocked lowest)
        (cond [(= lowest 0) lowest]
              [(set-empty? free) lowest]
              [else (for ([col (in-range WIDTH)]
                          #:when (hash-has-key? chamber (list lowest col)))
                      (set-remove! free col))
                    (min-blocked (sub1 lowest))]))
      (min-blocked top))
    1 vote