9 votes

Simple ways to find exposed sensitive information


  1. Oxalis
    I love how using standard search features is now 1337 hacker protips complete with databases of new search terms targeting different sensitive resources. Back in the 2000s-2010s, filetype:,...

    I love how using standard search features is now 1337 hacker protips complete with databases of new search terms targeting different sensitive resources.

    Back in the 2000s-2010s, filetype:, intext: and intitle: were commonly used to find public indexes, server directories that with poorly configured permissions that allowed for public access.

    It was a fun way to find new music from all over the world. Kinda like a mixture of global radio combined with a treasure hunt. I can't even imagine how many artists I discovered from those days nor how many of their albums I have in my record cabinet all these years later.

    Of course many of the terms used in those days are now cleansed from google results. This, along with robots.txt lead to the invention of search services like SHODAN.

    8 votes
  2. entitled-entilde

    In this post we will go through some basic techniques of Sensitive Data Discovery - the activity of hunting for accidental leaks of things that are best kept hidden.

    2 votes