9 votes

Why use SASS when CSS supports variables.

Tags: css sass

Why use SASS when CSS supports variables. Is there any tangible benefit to use CSS preprocessors?


  1. tildez
    CSS variables are still very new and if you care about supporting old browsers (you should) they are unusable. https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-variables

    CSS variables are still very new and if you care about supporting old browsers (you should) they are unusable.


    6 votes
  2. silva-rerum
    I've recently started integrating a combination of SASS and BEM naming conventions into projects at work (as opposed to plain CSS), and although there was a small learning curve, I've enjoyed and...

    I've recently started integrating a combination of SASS and BEM naming conventions into projects at work (as opposed to plain CSS), and although there was a small learning curve, I've enjoyed and benefited from what I've learned so far. The things I found immediately useful were nesting and partials/imports, but I know I've still only scratched the surface.

    Edit: Also, the projects I've used it on so far are smaller-scale websites, but I plan to scale use up to larger projects.

    3 votes
  3. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. ninja
      Link Parent
      I agree with that. Can you list few advantages of SASS? I am trying to understand why it should be used.

      I agree with that. Can you list few advantages of SASS? I am trying to understand why it should be used.

      1 vote