13 votes

Programming Challenge: Shape detection.

The programming challenges have kind of come to a grinding halt recently. I think it's time to get another challenge started!

Given a grid of symbols, representing a simple binary state of "filled" or "unfilled", determine whether or not a square is present on the grid. Squares must be 2x2 in size or larger, must be completely solid (i.e. all symbols in the NxN space are "filled"), and must not be directly adjacent to any other filled spaces.

Example, where 0 is "empty" and 1 is "filled":


// Returns true.

// Returns false.

// Returns false.

For those who want a greater challenge, try any of the following:

  1. Get a count of all squares.
  2. Detect squares that are touching (but not as a rectangle).
  3. Detect other specific shapes like triangles or circles (you will need to be creative).
  4. If doing (1) and (3), count shapes separately based on type.
  5. Detect shapes within unfilled space as well (a checkerboard pattern is a great use case).


  1. [2]
    (edited )
    Python 2.7: This operates by searching the grid from top to bottom for horizontal segments of 2 or more contiguous filled cells within a row, then starting a search anchored from each contiguous...

    Python 2.7:
    This operates by searching the grid from top to bottom for horizontal segments of 2 or more contiguous filled cells within a row, then starting a search anchored from each contiguous segment found for a shape like:

    01110               * the 111 in this row is the contiguous segment we start from

    (arbitrarily scalable)
    If any such shape is found, then the grid contains a square.

    def contiguousReducer(acc, enumeratedCell):
      Based on state passed in the (acc)umulator and current cell's value, returns
      a new state for the next cell.
      State is a 3-tuple containing, in order:
      - a list of 2-tuples, each giving the start and end indices of a contiguous filled segment in this row found so far
      - a boolean indicating whether the previous visited cell was filled
      - a boolean indicating whether we're currently in a contiguous filled segment
      i, cell = enumeratedCell
      contiguousSegments, previousWasFilled, inContiguousSegment = acc
      if previousWasFilled and cell:
        if inContiguousSegment:
          contiguousSegments = contiguousSegments[:-1] + [(contiguousSegments[-1][0], i + 1)]
          contiguousSegments = contiguousSegments + [(i - 1, i + 1)]
      return (
        previousWasFilled and cell
    def getSquareStarts(row):
      Computes a list of 2-tuples, each giving the start and end indices of a contiguous filled segment in this row.
      End indices are exclusive: a tuple (2,5) means that there's a contiguous filled segment covering cells 2,3, and 4.
      return reduce(contiguousReducer, enumerate(row), ([], False, False))[0]
    def gridContainsSquare(grid):
      for i, row in enumerate(grid):
        for startIndex, endIndex in getSquareStarts(row):
          # So far we've found a single contiguous horizontal line of filled cells that might be the start of a square.
          # Now we just need to check a bunch of things to see if it really is one.
          sidelength = endIndex - startIndex
          if (
            # are there enough rows left in the (non-bordered) grid to fit a square this tall?
            i + sidelength <= len(grid) - 2
            # are there enough columns left in the (non-bordered) grid to fit a square this wide?
            and startIndex + sidelength <= len(row) - 2
            # do all segments from startIndex to endIndex in rows below this one have all filled spaces?
            and all(
              all(cell for cell in row[startIndex:endIndex])
              for row in grid[i:i + sidelength]
            # does the previous row have all unfilled spaces adjacent to this segment?
            and not any(grid[i - 1][startIndex:endIndex])
            # does the row after the last expected row of the square have all unfilled spaces adjacent to this segment?
            and not any(grid[i + sidelength][startIndex:endIndex])
            # does the column to the left of the left side of the expected square have all unfilled spaces?
            and not any(row[startIndex - 1] for row in grid[i:i + sidelength])
            # does the column to the right of the right side of the expected square have all unfilled spaces?
            and not any(row[endIndex] for row in grid[i:i + sidelength])
            return True
      return False
    def getGrid(str):
      Computes and returns a 2D list of booleans from the input string.
      Grid is surrounded in a "frame" of False values (representing the "unfilled"
      border) to make finding squares at the edge of the grid easier.
      grid = [
        [True if char == '1' else False for char in line]
        for line in str.split('\n')
      boundaryRow = [False for x in grid[0]]
      grid.insert(0, boundaryRow)
      return [
        [False] + row + [False]
        for row in grid
    def inputContainsSquare(inputString):
      return gridContainsSquare(getGrid(inputString))
    inputA = '''
    inputB = '''
    inputC = '''
    print inputContainsSquare(inputA) # True
    print inputContainsSquare(inputB) # False
    print inputContainsSquare(inputC) # False
    3 votes
    1. jzimbel
      Link Parent
      I iterated on this a little too much and ended up with a thing that finds all the squares in the input grid and prints the grid back out with all of the squares bolded. from sys import stdin MARK...

      I iterated on this a little too much and ended up with a thing that finds all the squares in the input grid and prints the grid back out with all of the squares bolded.

      from sys import stdin
      MARK = '\033[1m'
      END_MARK = '\033[0m'
      def getGrid(str):
        Computes and returns a 2D list of booleans from the input string.
        Grid is surrounded in a "frame" of False values (representing the "unfilled"
        border) to make finding squares at the edge of the grid easier.
        grid = [
          [True if char == '1' else False for char in line]
          for line in str.split('\n')
        rowLength = len(grid[0])
        if any(len(row) != rowLength for row in grid):
          raise ValueError('Input grid must have equal-length rows.')
        boundaryRow = [False for x in grid[0]]
        grid.insert(0, boundaryRow)
        return [
          [False] + row + [False]
          for row in grid
      def getSquareStarts(row):
        Computes a list of 2-tuples, each giving the start and end indices of a contiguous filled segment in this row.
        End indices are exclusive: a tuple (2,5) means that there's a contiguous filled segment covering cells 2,3, and 4.
        contiguousSegments = []
        previousWasFilled = False
        inContiguousSegment = False
        for i, cell in enumerate(row):
          if previousWasFilled and cell:
            if inContiguousSegment:
              contiguousSegments[-1] = (contiguousSegments[-1][0], i + 1)
              contiguousSegments.append((i - 1, i + 1))
          inContiguousSegment = previousWasFilled and cell
          previousWasFilled = cell
        return contiguousSegments
      def findSquaresInGrid(grid):
        Returns a list containing (x, y, sidelength) tuples where x and y give the coordinates of the top left corner of a
        filled square in the given grid.
        squares = []
        for i, row in enumerate(grid):
          for startIndex, endIndex in getSquareStarts(row):
            # So far we've found a single contiguous horizontal line of filled cells that might be the start of a square.
            # Now we just need to check a bunch of things to see if it really is one.
            sidelength = endIndex - startIndex
            if (
              # are there enough rows left in the (non-bordered) grid to fit a square this tall?
              i + sidelength <= len(grid) - 1
              # do all segments from startIndex to endIndex in rows below this one have all filled spaces?
              and all(
                for row in grid[i:i + sidelength]
              # does the previous row have all unfilled spaces adjacent to this segment?
              and not any(grid[i - 1][startIndex:endIndex])
              # does the row after the last expected row of the square have all unfilled spaces adjacent to this segment?
              and not any(grid[i + sidelength][startIndex:endIndex])
              # does the column to the left of the left side of the expected square have all unfilled spaces?
              and not any(row[startIndex - 1] for row in grid[i:i + sidelength])
              # does the column to the right of the right side of the expected square have all unfilled spaces?
              and not any(row[endIndex] for row in grid[i:i + sidelength])
              squares.append((startIndex - 1, i -1, sidelength))
        return squares
      def markSquares(inputString):
        Finds solid squares of "1"'s in the given input and returns a new string with each square marked in bold.
        squares = findSquaresInGrid(getGrid(inputString))
        output = inputString.split('\n')
        for i in range(len(squares)):
          cornerX, cornerY, sidelength = squares[i]
          for y in range(cornerY, cornerY + sidelength):
            output[y] = (
              + MARK
              + output[y][cornerX:cornerX + sidelength]
              + END_MARK
              + output[y][cornerX + sidelength:]
          # adjust x indices that were affected by the insertion of the formatting characters
          squares = [
              otherX + len(MARK) + len(END_MARK) if otherY in range(cornerY, cornerY + sidelength) and otherX >= cornerX else otherX,
            for otherX, otherY, otherSidelength in squares
        return '\n'.join(output)
      def main():
        if stdin.isatty():
          print 'Enter a grid. Enter a blank line when done.'
        inputString = ''
        inputLine = None
        while inputLine != '':
            inputLine = raw_input()
          except EOFError:
          inputString += inputLine + '\n'
        inputString = inputString.strip()
        print markSquares(inputString)
      if __name__ == '__main__':

      Fun thing: save a 2D 0's and 1's Menger sponge generated by this script and pass it to my python script to see it highlight everything nicely.

      python mark_squares.py < menger_sponge.txt
      2 votes