10 votes

Scams, American Express, and obfuscated Javascript


  1. Abrown
    Great writeup, thanks for sharing. Thank you also for showing the DNS query script you wrote, that will definitely come in handy next time I'm poking around like this.

    Great writeup, thanks for sharing. Thank you also for showing the DNS query script you wrote, that will definitely come in handy next time I'm poking around like this.

    4 votes
  2. clerical_terrors
    Really interesting writeup, have to say these scammers put in a lot more effort then most similar scam mails I receive (a couple of which masqueraded as banks I didn't have an account at).

    Really interesting writeup, have to say these scammers put in a lot more effort then most similar scam mails I receive (a couple of which masqueraded as banks I didn't have an account at).

    3 votes