6 votes

Day 15: Oxygen System

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/15

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<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. Hvv
    This one felt like a graph problem that happens to have Intcode involved, but it made the problem significantly more complex in the details. Part 1 Strategy Graph search and shortest distance on...

    This one felt like a graph problem that happens to have Intcode involved, but it made the problem significantly more complex in the details.

    Part 1 Strategy Graph search and shortest distance on unweighted graphs is pretty solved (Breadth first search, yay algorithms!), so the hard part of this is just getting the Intcode computer to do BFS.

    Of course, the nature of this problem makes it possible to search manually, which I seriously considered before deciding to actually do coding.

    We're going to make the robot BFS the graph.

    In particular, to make the robot go to any previously explored position, we essentially make the computer replay all the moves that got the robot to that position. This is less memory intensive than storing the exact computer state at that position (which would also work), but does mean that we're executing a lot more instructions.

    Once we have the ability to set the robot in an arbitrary position, we just use a queue to explore positions and be careful to deal with the robot's output properly.

    In particular, we keep our own graph representation with walls and distances from the start (which thanks to BFS is always the shortest) and always try to visit new nodes in BFS order until we can't (or until we find the oxygen tank).

    Once done, output the distance from the oxygen tank.

    Part 2 Strategy If you saved time by stopping at the oxygen tank, you'll need to change the code to go through the entire graph.

    Other than that, most of the code is already done Part 1 and now we don't even need to deal with the robot.

    Just BFS the full graph from the oxygen tank with a new distance array, and return the greatest distance from that.

    Parts 1/2 Code
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    typedef vector<ll> vi;
    typedef pair<int,int> ii;
    typedef vector<ll> vl;
    class Comp {
    	vl w,oc;
    	queue<ll> ins,outs;
    	ll reb;
    	ll pc;
    	bool term;
    	Comp() {
    	Comp(vl init) {
    		oc = init;
    		w = oc;
    		term = false;
    		reb = 0;
    		pc = 0;
    	void feed(ll val) {
    	bool empty_ins() {
    		return ins.empty();
    	bool empty_outs() {
    		return outs.empty();
    	ll poll() {
    		ll res = outs.front();
    		return res;
    	void reset(){
    		w = oc;
    		term = false;
    		pc = 0;
    		reb = 0;
    		ins = queue<ll>();
    		outs = queue<ll>();
    	ll get(ll id) {
    		return w[id];
    	bool run() {
    		while(!term) {
    			if(pc >= w.size()) {
    				term = true;
    				cout << "dropout termination\n";
    				return term;
    			ll raw = w[pc];
    			ll id = w[pc];
    			if(id == 99) {
    				term = true;
    				return term;
    			ll params = id/100;
    			id %= 100;
    			ll pr[3];
    			for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
    				pr[i] = (params%10);
    				params /= 10;
    			ll pt[3] = {-1,-1,-1};
    			ll nx[3] = {-1,-1,-1};
    			for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
    				if(i+pc+1 >= w.size()) {
    				} else {
    					pt[i] = nx[i] = w[i+pc+1];
    					if(pr[i] == 0) {
    						if(nx[i] < w.size()) {
    							nx[i] = w[nx[i]];
    						} else {
    					} else if(pr[i] == 2) {
    						pt[i] += reb;
    						if(nx[i]+reb < w.size()) {
    							nx[i] = w[nx[i]+reb];
    						} else {
    					} else {
    						//immediate mode
    			if(id == 3) {
    				if(ins.empty()) {
    					return false;
    				ll val = ins.front();
    				w[pt[0]] = val;
    				pc += 2;
    			} else if(id == 4) {
    				pc += 2;
    			} else if(id == 5) {
    				if(nx[0] != 0) {
    					pc = nx[1];
    				} else {
    					pc += 3;
    			} else if(id == 6) {
    				if(nx[0] == 0) {
    					pc = nx[1];
    				} else {
    					pc += 3;
    			} else if(id == 7) {
    				nx[2] = pt[2];
    				if(nx[0] < nx[1]) {
    					w[nx[2]] = 1;
    				} else {
    					w[nx[2]] = 0;
    				pc += 4;
    			} else if(id == 8) {
    				nx[2] = pt[2];
    				if(nx[0] == nx[1]) {
    					w[nx[2]] = 1;
    				} else {
    					w[nx[2]] = 0;
    				pc += 4;
    			} else if(id == 1) {
    				nx[2] = pt[2];
    				w[nx[2]] = nx[0]+nx[1];
    				pc += 4;
    			} else if(id == 2) {
    				nx[2] = pt[2];
    				//cout << nx[0] << " * " << nx[1] << '\n';
    				w[nx[2]] = nx[0]*nx[1];
    				pc += 4;
    			} else if(id == 9) {
    				reb += nx[0];
    				pc += 2;
    			} else {
    				return false;
    		return term;
    	void flush() {
    		outs = queue<ll>();
    	bool done() {
    		return term;
    vl x;
    void input() {
    	string s;
    	cin >> s;
    	ll t = 0;
    	ll sgn = 1;
    	for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++) {
    		if(s[i] == ',') {
    			t = 0;
    			sgn = 1;
    		} else if(s[i] == '-') {
    			sgn *= -1;
    		} else {
    			t *= 10;
    			t += (s[i]-'0');
    const int dy[4] = {1,-1,0,0};
    const int dx[4] = {0,0,-1,1};
    set<ii> wall;
    map<ii,int> dist,pt,dist2;
    int rev(int dir) {
    	return dir^1;
    int main() {
    	ii co = {0,0};
    	ii st = {0,0};
    	bool fd = false;
    	ii wo = {-1,-1};
    	Comp C(x);
    	dist[co] = 0;
    	queue<ii> q;
    	while(!q.empty()) {
    		ii po = q.front();
    		vi nav;
    		ii re = po;
    		while(re != st) {
    			int a = dx[pt[re]];
    			int b = dy[pt[re]];
    			re.first -= a;
    			re.second -= b;
    		for(int i=nav.size()-1;i>=0;i--) {
    		while(!C.empty_outs()) {C.poll();}
    		for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
    			ii u = {po.first+dx[i],po.second+dy[i]};
    			if(dist.find(u) != dist.end()) {continue;}
    			if(wall.find(u) != wall.end()) {continue;}
    			int res = C.poll();
    			if(res == 0) {
    			} else {
    				dist[u] = dist[po]+1;
    				pt[u] = i;
    				if(res == 2) {
    					fd = true;
    					wo = u;
    				while(!C.empty_outs()) {C.poll();}
    	q = queue<ii>();
    	dist2[wo] = 0;
    	int ma = 0;
    	while(!q.empty()) {
    		ii po = q.front();
    		for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
    			ii u = {po.first+dx[i],po.second+dy[i]};
    			if(dist2.find(u) != dist2.end()) {continue;}
    			if(wall.find(u) != wall.end()) {continue;}
    			dist2[u] = dist2[po]+1;
    			ma = max(ma,dist2[u]);
    	cout << "Part 1 solution: " << dist[wo] << '\n';
    	cout << "Part 2 solution: " << ma << '\n';
    2 votes
  2. Crespyl
    This was an interesting one, I kept having little issues where my robot would get lost and start plotting to the wrong places while mapping. Day 15 I spent a bunch of time on setting up mapping...

    This was an interesting one, I kept having little issues where my robot would get lost and start plotting to the wrong places while mapping.

    Day 15

    I spent a bunch of time on setting up mapping display and interactivity which ended up being kind of waste, if rather entertaining.

    Wandering around manually, I quickly noticed that the map was all single-tile corridors, so a naive "keep the wall on the left" approach would probably get me somewhere interesting eventually. It wasn't too difficult to write a function to have the robot check a direction and then return back to its original position if it actually succeeded in moving forward.

    Sticking to the left wall, my robot quickly found the goal, but its path was apparently sub-optimal, so I needed to explore more. I set the robot to just keep exploring in the same manner, building up a map as it goes. In my case I just had it stop after 3k steps, but I'm sure a more elegant solution is possible.

    Once you have the map, the actual solutions are quite straightforward graph problems: A* from the start to the station, then flood-fill from the station and count the steps.

    Day 15 Crystal
    #!/usr/bin/env crystal
    require "../lib/utils.cr"
    require "../lib/vm2.cr"
    class Droid
      property cpu : VM2::VM
      property x : Int32
      property y : Int32
      property facing : Int64
      property move_count : Int32
      property start_pos : Tuple(Int32,Int32)
      property station : Tuple(Int32, Int32)
      property map : Hash(Tuple(Int32, Int32), Int32)
      DIRS = {
        0 => { 0, 0},
        1 => { 0,-1},
        2 => { 0, 1},
        3 => {-1, 0},
        4 => { 1, 0}
      def initialize(cpu, curses = false)
        @cpu = cpu
        @x, @y = 0, 0
        @last_move = 0
        @move_count = 0
        @state = :ok
        @facing = 4
        @station = {-1,-1}
        @map = Hash(Tuple(Int32, Int32), Int32).new { |h,k| h[k] = 9 }
        @start_pos = {@x,@y}
      def coords_facing(dir)
        d = DIRS[dir]
      def right_from(facing)
        case facing
        when 1 then 4_i64
        when 2 then 3_i64
        when 3 then 1_i64
        when 4 then 2_i64
        else raise "bad dir"
      def left_from(facing)
        case facing
        when 1 then 3_i64
        when 2 then 4_i64
        when 3 then 2_i64
        when 4 then 1_i64
        else raise "bad dir"
      def check_dir(d)
        res = @cpu.read_output
        case res
        when 1 # space ok, move back to where we started
          reverse = right_from(right_from(d))
          raise "COULDN'T BACKTRACK !" if @cpu.read_output != 1
        when 0 # wall
        when 2 # station
        else raise "got bad output from cpu"
      def try_forward
        nx,ny = coords_facing(@facing)
        res = @cpu.read_output
        case res
        when 1
          @map[{@x,@y}] = 1
          @x, @y = nx, ny
          @move_count += 1
        when 0
          @map[{nx,ny}] = 9
        when 2
          @map[{nx,ny}] = 0
          @station = {nx,ny}
          @x, @y = nx, ny
        else raise "got bad output form cpu"
      def turn_left
        @facing = left_from(@facing)
      def turn_right
        @facing = right_from(@facing)
      def run
        state = :look
        while true
          case state
          when :move
            state = :look
            nx,ny = coords_facing(@facing)
            case try_forward
            when :ok
            when :wall
            when :station
          when :look
            state = :move
            lx,ly = coords_facing(left_from(@facing))
            d = left_from(@facing)
            case check_dir(d)
            when :ok
              @map[{lx,ly}] = 1
            when :wall # go forward
              @map[{lx,ly}] = 9
            when :station # end
              @map[{lx,ly}] = 0
          # 3k should be enough to map anything
          break if @move_count > 3000
    # Extract map
    prog = Utils.get_input_file(Utils.cli_param_or_default(0, "day15/input.txt"))
    droid = Droid.new(VM2.from_string(prog))
    map = droid.map
    # Use A* to map from droid.start_pos to droid.station
    alias Pos = Tuple(Int32, Int32)
    start = droid.start_pos
    station = droid.station
    solution = [] of Pos
    visited = Set(Pos).new
    open = [{start, [] of Pos, 1}]
    def dist(a,b)
      Math.sqrt( (a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0]) + ((a[1]-b[1])*(a[1]-b[1])) )
    def neighbors(loc) : Array(Pos)
      x,y = loc
      [{x-1,y}, {x+1,y}, {x,y+1}, {x, y-1}]
    #puts "Start search..."
    while !open.empty?
      loc, route, cost = open.pop
      next if visited.includes? loc
      new_route = [route, loc].flatten
      if loc == station
        solution = new_route.flatten
      neighbors(loc).each do |neighbor|
        next if map[neighbor]? == 9 || visited.includes? neighbor
        tile_cost = map[neighbor]? || 99
        new_cost = cost + tile_cost
        open << {neighbor, new_route, new_cost}
      open = open.sort_by { |_,_,cost| cost }
    puts "P1: %i" % (solution.size-1)
    # Flood fill from station, count the steps
    open = [station]
    visited = Set(Pos).new
    steps = 0
    while !open.empty?
      frontier = [] of Pos
      open.each do |loc|
        next if visited.includes? loc
        neighbors(loc).each do |neighbor|
          frontier << neighbor if map[neighbor] == 1
      open = frontier
      steps += 1
    puts "P2: %i" % (steps-2) # account for initial expand and final check
    2 votes
  3. Gyrfalcon
    I am catching up! If I can do two a day from now through Christmas I will only finish a day late heh. Anyway, I was lazy and did this in a very slow and clunky way, but it worked and I didn't have...

    I am catching up! If I can do two a day from now through Christmas I will only finish a day late heh. Anyway, I was lazy and did this in a very slow and clunky way, but it worked and I didn't have to think too hard about it.

    class Intputer(object):
        def __init__(self, instructions, pointer=0, relative_base=0, output_block=False):
            self.instructions = instructions
            self.pointer = pointer
            self.relative_base = relative_base
            self.curr_instruction = [int(num) for num in str(self.instructions[self.pointer])]
            self.output_block = output_block
            self.output_buffer = []
            self.input_buffer = []
            self.block = False
            self.isHalted = False
        def get_operands(self):
            for i in range(5 - len(self.curr_instruction)):
                self.curr_instruction.insert(0,0) # Pad to get the right number of 0s
            if self.curr_instruction[0] == 0:
                out_location = self.instructions[self.pointer + 3]
            elif self.curr_instruction[0] == 2:
                out_location = self.instructions[self.pointer + 3] + self.relative_base
                raise ValueError("Incorrect mode for output operand!")
            if self.curr_instruction[1] == 0:
                op_2_location = self.instructions[self.pointer+2]
            elif self.curr_instruction[1] == 1:
                op_2_location = self.pointer + 2
            elif self.curr_instruction[1] == 2:
                op_2_location = self.instructions[self.pointer+2] + self.relative_base
                raise ValueError("Incorrect mode for second operand!")
            if self.curr_instruction[2] == 0:
                op_1_location = self.instructions[self.pointer+1]
            elif self.curr_instruction[2] == 1:
                op_1_location = self.pointer + 1
            elif self.curr_instruction[2] == 2:
                op_1_location = self.instructions[self.pointer+1] + self.relative_base
                raise ValueError("Incorrect mode for first operand!")
            # We handle big memory on write, so this covers it on read
                op_1 = self.instructions[op_1_location]
            except IndexError:
                op_1 = 0
                op_2 = self.instructions[op_2_location]
            except IndexError:
                op_2 = 0
            return [op_1, op_2, out_location]
        def get_io_operand(self):
            for i in range(3 - len(self.curr_instruction)):
                self.curr_instruction.insert(0,0) # Pad to get the right number of 0s
            if self.curr_instruction[0] == 0:
                op = self.instructions[self.pointer + 1]
            elif self.curr_instruction[0] == 1:
                op = self.pointer + 1
            elif self.curr_instruction[0] == 2:
                op = self.instructions[self.pointer + 1] + self.relative_base
                raise ValueError("Incorrect mode for I/O operand!")
            return op
        def write_result(self, result, location):
            # Extend memory if needed
                self.instructions[location] = result
            except IndexError:
                self.instructions.extend([0] * ((location + 1) - len(self.instructions)))
                self.instructions[location] = result
        def add_instruction(self):
            operands = self.get_operands()
            result = operands[0] + operands[1]
            self.write_result(result, operands[2])
            self.pointer += 4
        def mult_instruction(self):
            operands = self.get_operands()
            result = operands[0] * operands[1]
            self.write_result(result, operands[2])
            self.pointer += 4
        def output_instruction(self):
            operand = self.get_io_operand()
            if self.output_block:
                self.block = True
            self.pointer += 2
        def input_instruction(self):
            # Check for no input, and block if input is empty
            if len(self.input_buffer) < 1:
                self.block = True
            operand = self.get_io_operand()
            self.write_result(self.input_buffer.pop(), operand)
            self.pointer += 2
        def jump_instruction(self, jump_type):
            operands = self.get_operands()
            if ((operands[0] and jump_type) or (not operands[0] and not jump_type)):
                self.pointer = operands[1]
                self.pointer += 3
        def less_than_instruction(self):
            operands = self.get_operands()
            if operands[0] < operands[1]:
                self.write_result(1, operands[2])
                self.write_result(0, operands[2])
            self.pointer += 4
        def equals_instruction(self):
            operands = self.get_operands()
            if operands[0] == operands[1]:
                self.write_result(1, operands[2])
                self.write_result(0, operands[2])
            self.pointer += 4
        def modify_base_instruction(self):
            operand = self.get_io_operand()
            self.relative_base += self.instructions[operand]
            self.pointer += 2
        def process_instructions(self, inputs=None):
            if inputs is not None:
                    for item in inputs:
                        self.input_buffer.insert(0, item)
                except TypeError: # Catch singular inputs here
                inputs = []
            while True:
                if self.pointer > (len(self.instructions) - 1):
                elif self.instructions[self.pointer] == 99:
                    self.isHalted = True
                self.curr_instruction = [int(num) for num in str(self.instructions[self.pointer])]
                if self.curr_instruction[-1] == 1:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 2:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 3:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 4:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 5:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 6:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 7:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 8:
                elif self.curr_instruction[-1] == 9:
                if self.block:
                    self.block = False
        def clear_output_buffer(self):
            self.output_buffer = []
    def load_instructions(input_file):
        with open(input_file, 'r') as fid:
            data = fid.readline()
        instructions = data.strip().split(',')
        for idx in range(len(instructions)):
            instructions[idx] = int(instructions[idx])
        return instructions
    import random
    import copy
    import Intputer
    class RepairBot(object):
        def __init__(self, brain_instructions):
            self.brain = Intputer.Intputer(copy.copy(brain_instructions))
            self.initial_instructions = copy.copy(brain_instructions)
            self.location = [0, 0]
            self.map = {}
            self.map[tuple(self.location)] = 1
            self.move_history = []
        def reinitialize_brain(self):
            self.brain = Intputer.Intputer(copy.copy(self.initial_instructions))
        def move(self, direction):
            change_location = True
            if self.brain.output_buffer[-1] == 0:
                change_location = False
            new_location = copy.copy(self.location)
            if direction == 1:
                 new_location[0] += 1
            elif direction == 2:
                new_location[0] -= 1
            elif direction == 3:
                new_location[1] -= 1
            elif direction == 4:
                new_location[1] += 1
            self.map[tuple(new_location)] = self.brain.output_buffer[-1]
            if change_location:
                self.location = new_location
        def find_valid_moves(self):
            valids = []
            locations = [(self.location[0]+1, self.location[1]),
                         (self.location[0]-1, self.location[1]),
                         (self.location[0], self.location[1]-1),
                         (self.location[0], self.location[1]+1)]
            for idx in range(4):
                    if self.map[tuple(locations[idx])] == 1:
                        valids.append(idx + 1)
                except KeyError:
                    # We don't need to do things just if there isn't anything in
                    # there it's okay, but maybe we can move there?
                    valids.append(idx + 1)
            return valids
        # This is admittedly the stupid way but I guess I'm stupid today
        def find_ox_sys(self):
            preferred_direction = 1
            while True:
                if 2 in self.map.values() and len(self.map) > 1656:
                valid_moves = self.find_valid_moves()
        def path_to_ox(self):
            wavefront_map = {}
            ox_location = list(self.map.keys())[list(self.map.values()).index(2)]
            wavefront_map[ox_location] = 0
            while (0,0) not in wavefront_map.keys():
                wavefront_keys = list(wavefront_map.keys())
                for curr_location in wavefront_keys:
                    possible_locations = [(curr_location[0]+1, curr_location[1]),
                                          (curr_location[0]-1, curr_location[1]),
                                          (curr_location[0], curr_location[1]-1),
                                          (curr_location[0], curr_location[1]+1)]
                    for possible_location in possible_locations:
                        if (possible_location in self.map.keys()
                            and self.map[possible_location] != 0
                            and possible_location not in wavefront_map.keys()):
                            wavefront_map[possible_location] = wavefront_map[curr_location] + 1
            return wavefront_map[(0,0)]
        def ox_time(self):
            wavefront_map = {}
            ox_location = list(self.map.keys())[list(self.map.values()).index(2)]
            wavefront_map[ox_location] = 0
            while True:
                old_len = len(wavefront_map)
                wavefront_keys = list(wavefront_map.keys())
                for curr_location in wavefront_keys:
                    possible_locations = [(curr_location[0]+1, curr_location[1]),
                                          (curr_location[0]-1, curr_location[1]),
                                          (curr_location[0], curr_location[1]-1),
                                          (curr_location[0], curr_location[1]+1)]
                    for possible_location in possible_locations:
                        if (possible_location in self.map.keys()
                            and self.map[possible_location] != 0
                            and possible_location not in wavefront_map.keys()):
                            wavefront_map[possible_location] = wavefront_map[curr_location] + 1
                new_len = len(wavefront_map)
                if new_len <= old_len:
            return max(wavefront_map.values())
    import Intputer
    import RepairBot
    import copy
    input_file = "PuzzleInput.txt"
    instructions = Intputer.load_instructions(input_file)
    repair_bot = RepairBot.RepairBot(copy.copy(instructions))
    length = repair_bot.path_to_ox()
    time = repair_bot.ox_time()
    2 votes