Day 17: Set and Forget
Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/17
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This was a funny one in that I almost ended up writing no new code to solve it. I already had a debugger that could handle ASCII input and output, I just had to tweak it a bit to make feeding lines with the newline character easier.
Since I didn't write much new code, I'll just share the bare-bones debugger I'm using:
Intcode Debugger - Crystal
Part 1
As mentioned, this was quite simple: I just loaded the program into my debugger, enabled ASCII output, and ran the program to get the map.Once I had the map, it wasn't difficult to just look for the intersections and manually compute the answer from their positions.
Part 2
Part 2 is a kind of simple compression problem: you have a single long string (the full path the robot needs to traverse), and you must break it down into three different repeated chunks.
Once again I was able to work out the path manually, and if you write out the steps it's not too difficult to find the repeating patterns. My editor helped a bit here since it was easy to try out substitutions by using the interactive search/replace feature.
I did get stuck here for a while because of a transcription error that meant that the path I was working with didn't break down into chunks the way it should've; if you take the manual approach be sure to double check your work!
Once I realized my error and could compress the path the way the robot wanted, I was able to just feed that back into the program in my debugger and get the answer.
I still had an itch to write some more code, so I worked out an automated solution to P1 (edit-edit, also extracting the uncompressed path for p2):
Part 1 - Crystal