8 votes

(ESR) Notes on the Go translation of Reposurgeon

1 comment

  1. Arghblarg
    (edited )
    Eric Raymond has been somewhat active on the golang-nuts golang-nuts@googlegroups.com mailing list, contributing useful insights into the language's current state from the point-of-view of a...

    Eric Raymond has been somewhat active on the golang-nuts golang-nuts@googlegroups.com mailing list, contributing useful insights into the language's current state from the point-of-view of a longtime programmer conversant in older languages.

    As a Go enthusiast most of this is way above my head, but the parts I could grok were very interesting and relevant to those considering Go vs. Python for performance and maintainability, or as a critique in general of the Go language designers' decisions thus far (TL;DR -- he thinks it's mostly 'worth it' migrating from Python to Go for this project, at least)

    2 votes