13 votes

IBM System/370 Mainframe emulated on a Raspberry Pi Zero

I will let out a bit of a secret. I have been running a full IBM System/370 Mainframe on a $5 Raspberry Pi Zero for ~5 years. About 7 times faster System/370. Millions of lines of COBOL JCLs running flawless on a battery. Tested an entire bank's mainframe COBOL on it.


  1. gpl
    (edited )
    Came across this browsing lobste.rs and thought it was totally cool. Not much else to say, but I think I might finally have a cool project for my Pi 3 (if I get around to it!)

    Came across this browsing lobste.rs and thought it was totally cool. Not much else to say, but I think I might finally have a cool project for my Pi 3 (if I get around to it!)

    2 votes
  2. [2]
    That's pretty awesome! I'm curious if IBM knows, though? I thought they were pretty litigious about emulators.

    That's pretty awesome! I'm curious if IBM knows, though? I thought they were pretty litigious about emulators.

    1. gpl
      Link Parent
      It would be interesting to know. Although, the System/370 line was launched in 1970 so the software is more of a historical interest than anything. I'd be surprised if IBM cared much about the...

      It would be interesting to know. Although, the System/370 line was launched in 1970 so the software is more of a historical interest than anything. I'd be surprised if IBM cared much about the legal aspect given that.

      2 votes