8 votes

Does a library-based garbage collector make Rust easier to use?

1 comment

  1. mtset
    Super interesting study. I especially recommend reading the "qualitative analysis of responses" section.

    We designed Bronze, an optional, library-based garbage collector for Rust. To see whether Bronze could make Rust more usable, we conducted a randomized controlled trial with volunteers from a 633-person class, collecting data from 428 students in total. We found that for a task that required managing complex aliasing, Bronze users were more likely to complete the task in the time available, and those who did so required only about a third as much time (4 hours vs. 12 hours). We found no significant difference in total time, even though Bronze users re-did the task without Bronze afterward.

    Super interesting study. I especially recommend reading the "qualitative analysis of responses" section.

    1 vote