8 votes

GridStatus.io - see electricity use in each US region


  1. skybrian
    This is a website that screen-scrapes data from each "ISO" (Independent System Operator) in the US and provides a pretty dashboard with nice graphs. If you log in, you can look at historical...

    This is a website that screen-scrapes data from each "ISO" (Independent System Operator) in the US and provides a pretty dashboard with nice graphs. If you log in, you can look at historical records.

    Apparently, for California, renewable energy use can reach 90% during summer days, though more typically it's less. Today it peaked at 80% at around 11 am. California imports electricity at night.

    4 votes
  2. JCPhoenix
    This is cool! Thanks for sharing. I live in the SPP's region and I sometimes go to their website to see electricity stats, but it's either presented poorly or I'm just not smart enough to read...

    This is cool! Thanks for sharing. I live in the SPP's region and I sometimes go to their website to see electricity stats, but it's either presented poorly or I'm just not smart enough to read their graphs and visuals. Probably the latter since I'm not employed in the power industry and I'm just a curious passer-by.

    I tried understanding the LMP thing, but that just went over my head.

    1 vote