19 votes

Inside Fukushima Daiichi


  1. nukeman
    I’ll have to check this out tomorrow at lunch. Can also answer nuke/spent fuel related questions then too, so feel free to ask!

    I’ll have to check this out tomorrow at lunch. Can also answer nuke/spent fuel related questions then too, so feel free to ask!

    6 votes
  2. bj-rn

    The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is steadily being decommissioned with the cooperation of a great many people. An important part of the decommissioning process is conveying what conditions in the field are like to as many people as possible in an easy-to-understand manner. That is why we created INSIDE FUKUSHIMA DAIICHI. This virtual tour allows anyone, anywhere to experience what it’s like to be on the front lines of decommissioning.

    5 votes