10 votes

Nova Scotia’s billion-dollar lobster wars


  1. chocobean
    (edited )
    Good for them. The lobsters will be fished clean and nothing will remain, that's for sure. Same with the little baby eels, the halibut, and the cod that went before them: human greed will...

    When he found out that his group had closed the deal to purchase Clearwater, he wept with joy. “I put our people in a much better position in the game of business—making sure that we play to win,” he told me.

    When Paul was five, he was sent to a residential school near the Sipekne’katik reserve, on the rolling terrain north of Halifax. At the time, the government was sending Indigenous children to these schools to assimilate them into Canadian society, and abuse was widespread. A former student later wrote that classmates had been locked in closets and tied to chairs for days. “What I went through was an experimental camp that the government put together in order to get the Indian out of us,” Paul told me.

    [...] an old plastics factory, is the site of the former residential school that Chief Paul attended as a boy. At least sixteen children died at the institution, and many others remain unaccounted for.

    Good for them.

    The lobsters will be fished clean and nothing will remain, that's for sure. Same with the little baby eels, the halibut, and the cod that went before them: human greed will obliterate them all.

    The only difference seem to be "who" will make that money before it's all gone. Is it Chinese investors, white mega corp, the Arcadian, or the Indigenous? Considering that these Canadian shores had always been theirs, that there had always been treaties broken and never upheld, the unfathomable horrors they went through during residential school years and the continued lack of enforcement when things are set on fire and people's lives are threatened -- how can anyone bedruged them for learning to play the White Man's game and winning at it?

    What a brilliant move to buy up Clearwater. Honestly Canadians have never had a better shot at conservation -- it's still a tight gamble but between existing practices stemming from ye olde Chain Of Being ideals where species are inexhaustible and meant for man to "subdue" vs netukulimk, I'm glad we're gonna collectively roll the dice with the bands.

    Edit, in case anyone hasn't heard of Canadian residential schools, it is officially recognized as a genocide. Many mass graves of children are still being uncovered across the country. It was a hundred year long campaign to eradicate many nations of children:

    These abuses, along with overcrowding, poor sanitation, and severely inadequate food and health care, resulted in a shockingly high death toll. In 1907, government medical inspector P.H. Bryce reported that 24 percent of previously healthy Indigenous children across Canada were dying in residential schools. This figure does not include children who died at home, where they were frequently sent when critically ill. Bryce reported that anywhere from 47 percent (on the Peigan Reserve in Alberta) to 75 percent (from File Hills Boarding School in Saskatchewan) of students discharged from residential schools died shortly after returning home.

    6 votes