17 votes

EU's Green Deal improved its climate performance: a 1.5°C pathway is close

1 comment

  1. tauon
    Stuff like this makes me earnestly hopeful again. If one region can do it, all regions can (and will likely want to), and it’s just a question of time and financing until climate change is...

    Stuff like this makes me earnestly hopeful again.

    Now the EU needs to keep up the momentum, go the extra step and not roll back

    Since the 2019 EU elections, the EU has significantly improved its climate performance through its implementation of the Green Deal. The EU’s emissions are now on a path consistent with scenarios that limit global temperature increase to a little above 2°C, a more than 1˚C improvement on the emissions pathway we estimated in 2019 before the elections and before the Green Deal.

    If one region can do it, all regions can (and will likely want to), and it’s just a question of time and financing until climate change is “solved”.

    Asterisk; I’m ignoring tipping points of climate systems today because this is too uplifting. Oh well.

    10 votes