25 votes

'Absolute miracle' breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement


  1. Bonooru
    This is a super cool idea. Anyone happen to know if the ratio of concrete flux needed per ton of steel happens to line up with the amount of steel produced annually and the amount of concrete that...

    This is a super cool idea. Anyone happen to know if the ratio of concrete flux needed per ton of steel happens to line up with the amount of steel produced annually and the amount of concrete that goes to landfill? My understanding is that old crushed concrete can be (and is already) used as aggregate for new mixes. How does this interact with that established process?

    10 votes
  2. BeanBurrito
    I keep my girlish figure with a strict diet of low carb cement.

    I keep my girlish figure with a strict diet of low carb cement.

    12 votes