Bonooru's recent activity

  1. Comment on Co-op game recommendations in ~games

    Link Parent
    In that case, give DRG a try. It reminds me a lot of campaign coop in l4d2

    In that case, give DRG a try. It reminds me a lot of campaign coop in l4d2

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Co-op game recommendations in ~games

    The last couple of coop games my group has played are: Stardew Valley Left 4 Dead 2 (nostalgia driven, but a classic for a reason) Halo MCC campaigns Deep Rock Galactic Certainly Stardew and L4D2...

    The last couple of coop games my group has played are:
    Stardew Valley
    Left 4 Dead 2 (nostalgia driven, but a classic for a reason)
    Halo MCC campaigns
    Deep Rock Galactic

    Certainly Stardew and L4D2 should work on anything that's been built in the last decade or so, so I would expect your friend's computer to be fine.

    7 votes
  3. Comment on Peak oil: glut predicted by 2029 in ~enviro

    Study was done by the International Energy Agency

    Study was done by the International Energy Agency

    4 votes
  4. Comment on Save Point: A game deal roundup for the week of June 2 in ~games

    Link Parent
    Another Creeper World fan in the wild! Hi! I'll second this. They're a fun take on the RTS genre and worth giving a look if you have any interest.

    Another Creeper World fan in the wild! Hi!

    I'll second this. They're a fun take on the RTS genre and worth giving a look if you have any interest.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Jet Lag: AU$TRALIA | Trailer in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    My guesses on the cliffhangers I suspect that the flags are going to go well. Given that they're alphabetized (instead of in the order of opening an embassy or something), it's not going to be too...
    My guesses on the cliffhangers I suspect that the flags are going to go well. Given that they're alphabetized (instead of in the order of opening an embassy or something), it's not going to be too hard. The "car" is going to come down to whether or not they got the wheels on straight and I don't think there's a good way to tell that yet. I suspect that a solid kick on a plank of wood could hit 30' so I don't expect this one to be too difficult either.

    So... Two successes is my expectation.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on What's next for Kagi? in ~tech

    Seems to me that the biggest news is the profitability announcement.

    Seems to me that the biggest news is the profitability announcement.

    40 votes
  7. Comment on 'Absolute miracle' breakthrough provides recipe for zero-carbon cement in ~enviro

    This is a super cool idea. Anyone happen to know if the ratio of concrete flux needed per ton of steel happens to line up with the amount of steel produced annually and the amount of concrete that...

    This is a super cool idea. Anyone happen to know if the ratio of concrete flux needed per ton of steel happens to line up with the amount of steel produced annually and the amount of concrete that goes to landfill? My understanding is that old crushed concrete can be (and is already) used as aggregate for new mixes. How does this interact with that established process?

    10 votes
  8. Comment on The 100 games that taught me game design in ~games

    Link Parent
    I get the impression that he wasn't playing games when those eras of computing happened and so went back to catch some genre defining games but didn't play everything as it came out.

    I get the impression that he wasn't playing games when those eras of computing happened and so went back to catch some genre defining games but didn't play everything as it came out.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on "" is now officially dead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That's always my intention when I use that spelling.

    That's always my intention when I use that spelling.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on Is Nebula worth it? in ~tech

    I bought the lifetime and it's one of the avenues for "de-googlification" for me.

    I bought the lifetime and it's one of the avenues for "de-googlification" for me.

    4 votes
  11. Comment on HADES II Early Access has started in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'm in the camp of "If I'm going to put 60 hours into this game eventually, I'd rather do it when it's done, not while it's incomplete". I'd rather wait for all the quality of life features and...

    I'm in the camp of "If I'm going to put 60 hours into this game eventually, I'd rather do it when it's done, not while it's incomplete". I'd rather wait for all the quality of life features and the potential game breaking bugs to be implemented/fixed as necessary and have the best experience I can. I'll have more fun with it later and there's no rush.

    7 votes
  12. Comment on The unbreakable Kryptos code in ~misc

    Link Parent
    That's definitely my interpretation. I poked around with ciphers for my D&D game and can confirm that it is really easy to make a simple mistake that makes the resulting code uncrackable within...

    That's definitely my interpretation. I poked around with ciphers for my D&D game and can confirm that it is really easy to make a simple mistake that makes the resulting code uncrackable within the expected rules.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on Stops along a drive from Texas to Pennsylvania in ~travel

    Link Parent
    BBQ in Memphis is lovely. Best ribs I've ever had were from Rendezvous.

    BBQ in Memphis is lovely. Best ribs I've ever had were from Rendezvous.

  14. Comment on Cartoons such as Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, or Avatar? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    The Owl House is magnificent and deserving of all the praise. It's a shame the 3rd season was cut short, but Disney making weird decisions is par for the course there.

    The Owl House is magnificent and deserving of all the praise. It's a shame the 3rd season was cut short, but Disney making weird decisions is par for the course there.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on I bought a house, now what? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    These are the ones I have. They're an adapter that lets you run ethernet over coax. So, instead of rewiring the house for ethernet, I'm using something that's good enough and doesn't break my lease.

    These are the ones I have. They're an adapter that lets you run ethernet over coax. So, instead of rewiring the house for ethernet, I'm using something that's good enough and doesn't break my lease.

  16. Comment on I bought a house, now what? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    It wouldn't be a current representation of supplies/groceries, but a standard one. You might not know exactly what was in your cupboard, but it was probably similar to the video, so you can...

    It wouldn't be a current representation of supplies/groceries, but a standard one. You might not know exactly what was in your cupboard, but it was probably similar to the video, so you can pretend that it was.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on I bought a house, now what? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    If there's coax in the walls already, you can use MOCA 2.5 adapters to get surprisingly good speeds (we get symmetric 500 Mb per second)

    If there's coax in the walls already, you can use MOCA 2.5 adapters to get surprisingly good speeds (we get symmetric 500 Mb per second)

    1 vote
  18. Comment on I bought a house, now what? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Expanding on this idea: Last time I moved, I measured the furniture and then went to the new space with a roll of painters tape and taped out where everything would go. It's much easier to move...

    Expanding on this idea: Last time I moved, I measured the furniture and then went to the new space with a roll of painters tape and taped out where everything would go. It's much easier to move tape than couches and tables and it was a big help for feeling out what the space would be like with furniture. The more extreme method of this is using folding chairs and air mattresses. They aren't the exact right size, but they can still be helpful.

    4 votes
  19. Comment on Discord to start showing ads for gamers to boost revenue in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Signal sounds like it ticks all of these boxes?

    Signal sounds like it ticks all of these boxes?

  20. Comment on Tesla's gear-shifting problems known long before Angela Chao's death in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Huh... Good to know. Thanks!

    Huh... Good to know. Thanks!