6 votes

Life after reading "The Uninhabitable Earth"

1 comment

  1. skybrian
    Good article! Here is how I'm thinking about it: Suppose a volcano erupts and lava is flowing towards the town. Going after it with a shovel isn't going to do much. Some much larger action is...

    Good article! Here is how I'm thinking about it:

    Suppose a volcano erupts and lava is flowing towards the town. Going after it with a shovel isn't going to do much. Some much larger action is required. The first priority would be to warn the town. Maybe, with an efficient organization and heavy machinery, the lava might be diverted? This will require leadership, cooperation, and technical expertise.

    By yourself, without hope of collective action, the only rational thing to do is get out of the way. You can't save the town alone.

    It's an imperfect metaphor because global warming is caused by humans, but I still think it applies, because large-scale changes like this aren't simply a matter of individual action. I'm not sure that a lot of uncoordinated individual actions would do it either? Construction is not just a bunch of people with hammers.

    This isn't to say you can't do anything on your own. But whatever you do, the goal should be to coordinate with others to scale it up. If you come up with a good technique, it's only going to be significant if you teach many others to do it too.

    2 votes