"The Final Years of Majuro" is a 1 hour documentary by Wendover Productions (Sam Denby), about the island of Majuro and how it's being affected by climate change. As of today, it is available in...
"The Final Years of Majuro" is a 1 hour documentary by Wendover Productions (Sam Denby), about the island of Majuro and how it's being affected by climate change.
As of today, it is available in full on YouTube for free. I do highly recommend supporting Wendover by subscribing to Nebula, which has a lot of high quality documentaries just like it.
"The Final Years of Majuro" is a 1 hour documentary by Wendover Productions (Sam Denby), about the island of Majuro and how it's being affected by climate change.
As of today, it is available in full on YouTube for free. I do highly recommend supporting Wendover by subscribing to Nebula, which has a lot of high quality documentaries just like it.
If you liked this, you can also watch The World's Most Useful Airport in full on YouTube, by Wendover as well.