Physical protective barriers have been built to hold back avalanches – but Svalbard has also turned to tech, with the help of a telecom firm and the University of Svalbard climate change Video 4:40, published Dec 15 2024 4 votes
Arctic foxes were almost hunted to extinction in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Can projects to breed and feed them help this native species return for good? Article 1215 words 6 votes
Natural sinks of forests and peat were key to Finland's ambitious target to be carbon neutral by 2035 – but now, the land has started emitting more greenhouse gases than it stores climate change Article 1679 words 17 votes
A voyage like no other, from Norway to Canada through the Northwest Passage – to raise awareness of the six planetary tipping points in the Arctic climate change Article 1153 words 7 votes
European Commission will open office in Greenland, made strategically important by rare resources and melting ice climate change Article 818 words 7 votes
Norway and the Sámi people end a dispute over Europe's largest onshore wind farm – deal includes a future-oriented solution that safeguards reindeer farming rights energy.renewable Article 961 words 14 votes
Norway gives Arctic foxes a helping hand as climate change and habitat loss disrupt food chains and lead to starvation climate change Article 285 words 9 votes
Oil firms forced to consider full climate effects of new drilling, following landmark Norwegian court ruling climate change energy Article 1008 words 9 votes
Sámi rights activists in Norway charged over protests against wind farm affecting reindeer herding energy.renewable Article 370 words 13 votes
Norway's Arctic deep sea mining plan will inevitably sink – industrialising the ocean floor in the middle of a climate crisis is not only reckless, it's cruel climate change Article 908 words 9 votes
Norway is likely to become the first country in the world to move forward with the controversial practice of commercial-scale deep-sea mining Article 1041 words 14 votes
Norway's minority government and two opposition parties have agreed to allow seabed mineral exploration in the Arctic region Article 425 words 8 votes
Since 1978 ice shelves in North Greenland have lost more than 35% of their total volume, with three of them collapsing completely climate change Article 23 votes
The pristine Tana River, bordering Norway and Finland, is littered with the rotting corpses of an invasive Pacific salmon species Article 1376 words 9 votes
Norway wants to begin deep sea mining in the Arctic – here is why it's a bad idea Article 983 words 6 votes
Indigenous Sámi activist set up camp outside the Norwegian parliament to protest against wind turbines built on land traditionally used by reindeer herders energy.renewable Article 497 words 16 votes
Dozens of reindeer have been killed for crossing into Russia, as Norway fixes Arctic fence to stop the Sámi herds crossing the border Article 451 words 7 votes
New simulation based study warns against risks of ‘time-traveling pathogens’ in thawing Arctic permafrost climate change Article 11 votes
Greenland's largest glacial floating ice declined 42% due to global warming, scientists determine climate change water.melt Article 719 words 16 votes
Even if the planet doesn't get any warmer than it is now, melting ice in Greenland could add at least 1.5 metres to the global average sea level climate change Article 762 words 33 votes
Norway may soon open waters in the Arctic and sub-Arctic to sea floor mining – growing demand for important minerals, including copper and nickel Link 10 votes
Respect existence or expect resistance – protests in Norway against wind farm on Sámi land energy.renewable Article 484 words 3 votes
Daily tides stoked with increasingly warmer water ate a huge hole at the bottom of one of Greenland's major glaciers in the last couple of years climate change Article 4 votes
Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are now losing more than three times as much ice a year as they were thirty years ago climate change Article 817 words 8 votes
The Greenland Ice Sheet is close to a melting point of no return, says new study climate change Article 740 words 5 votes
The temptation of high oil prices is shaking Norway's climate commitments climate change Article 509 words 3 votes
Activists block Norway's energy ministry, protesting against wind turbines built on land traditionally used by the Sámi indigenous people energy.renewable Article 241 words 4 votes
Oxford University-led study detects twenty-six types of PFAS compounds in ice around Svalbard, threatening downstream ecosystems water.melt pollution.water Article 408 words 6 votes
In 1952, a landslide caused a tsunami that killed a Greenlandic man – some researchers think he might have been an early victim of anthropogenic warming climate change Article 861 words 2 votes
Norway's Supreme Court could set a legal precedent for control of the natural resources around the strategically important Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Article 446 words 4 votes
New ice core analysis shows a sharp spike in Greenland temperatures since 1995 – 1.5°C hotter than its 20th-century average, the warmest in more than 1,000 years climate change Article 724 words 6 votes
Europe's largest deposit of rare earth metals has been found in Sweden – may not reach market before 10-15 years' time due to environmental risk evaluations energy.renewable Article 34 words 5 votes
Svalbard reindeer thrive as they shift diet towards popsicle-like grasses – increased plant growth due to warmer climate climate change Article 710 words 3 votes
In Sweden reindeer herders say their animals are being affected by wind farms and other industry energy.renewable Article 1415 words 4 votes
Research group Whale Wise are investigating how net entanglement is affecting humpback whale populations in Iceland using drones Article 938 words 3 votes
Greta Thunberg Foundation has donated £158,000 to cover legal costs of indigenous people in Sweden's Arctic as they battle a British mining company Article 764 words 6 votes
World's northernmost permanent settlement, Longyearbyen, is estimated to be heating at six times the global average – so what is being done to save it? climate change Article 1510 words 8 votes
Driftwood floats thousands of kilometers from Siberia to Iceland, but it may drift no longer by 2060 due to climate change climate change Article 895 words, published Aug 25 2022 5 votes
Clues to the near-future behaviour of a warming Greenland, and perhaps even a warming Antarctic, buried under the North Sea climate change water.melt Article 706 words 5 votes
Norway is extending the life of its last Arctic coal mine – will now operate until 2025 amid Europe's energy crisis energy Article 292 words 7 votes
Zombie ice from the massive Greenland ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least twenty-seven centimeters on its own climate change Article 857 words 12 votes
Alex Honnold just led the first ascent of one of Earth's tallest Arctic sea cliffs, gathering crucial climate data along the way climate change Article 1629 words, published Aug 18 2022 8 votes
Greenland is ground zero for the impacts of climate change, but it could also become ground zero for sourcing the metals needed to power the solution to the crisis climate change Article 4 votes
Greenland ice sheet saw a sharp spike in the rate and extent of melting last week – eighteen billion tons of water in just three days climate change water Article 614 words 8 votes
Greenland sharks born long before the Industrial Revolution are still hunting Arctic waters to this day – but they face an uncertain future climate change Article 502 words 7 votes
NASA scientists to study ice, snow and melt ponds in the Arctic Ocean during the warmer summer months to better understand melting sea ice water climate change Article 4 votes
Isolated group of polar bears found surviving in south-east Greenland thanks to freshwater discharge from glaciers water.fresh Article 740 words 10 votes
Norway is vowing to help Europe turn away from Russian gas, but that's set off a political battle with the left-wing opposition that rejects expanded gas exploration Article 1013 words 7 votes
Why did the US military dig a tunnel in the Alaskan tundra? What is the tunnel used for now? Video 17:09 5 votes