5 votes

PlayStation State of Play | September 24, 2019

1 comment

  1. Deimos
    Links to everything shown (mostly stolen from this comment): 7:40 Humanity 9:50 COD Modern Warfare 12:40 Wattam 15:20 Arise 17:40 L.A. Noire The VR Case Files 18:39 PSVR Sizzle Reel 19:48 Medievil...

    Links to everything shown (mostly stolen from this comment):

    7:40 Humanity
    9:50 COD Modern Warfare
    12:40 Wattam
    15:20 Arise
    17:40 L.A. Noire The VR Case Files
    18:39 PSVR Sizzle Reel
    19:48 Medievil
    20:47 Civilization VI
    22:10 Death Stranding PS4 Pro
    22:58 Afterparty
    24:41 October PS+ Lineup
    25:58 The Last of Us 2

    5 votes