5 votes Metal: Hellsinger | Announcement trailer Posted June 11, 2020 by Deimos Tags: trailers.announcement, games.rhythm, funcom, metal hellsinger, announcements, shooters.first person, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRH8FEQIsPw Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Funcom Duration 0:59 Published Jun 11 2020 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK Deimos (OP) June 11, 2020 Link Some hands-on impressions of the very early version on Eurogamer: Metal: Hellsinger is an ingenious mix of Doom and Guitar Hero, but needs a little tuning Some hands-on impressions of the very early version on Eurogamer: Metal: Hellsinger is an ingenious mix of Doom and Guitar Hero, but needs a little tuning 1 vote
Deimos (OP) June 11, 2020 Link Some hands-on impressions of the very early version on Eurogamer: Metal: Hellsinger is an ingenious mix of Doom and Guitar Hero, but needs a little tuning Some hands-on impressions of the very early version on Eurogamer: Metal: Hellsinger is an ingenious mix of Doom and Guitar Hero, but needs a little tuning 1 vote
Some hands-on impressions of the very early version on Eurogamer: Metal: Hellsinger is an ingenious mix of Doom and Guitar Hero, but needs a little tuning