17 votes

A game designer’s analysis of QAnon

1 comment

  1. joplin
    My spouse just pointed me to this. This is a really great description from a game theoretical point of view of why some people find QAnon so compelling. It wouldn't have occurred to me to think...

    My spouse just pointed me to this. This is a really great description from a game theoretical point of view of why some people find QAnon so compelling. It wouldn't have occurred to me to think about it in this way, but reading it, it seems pretty spot on to me.

    I especially appreciated this part:

    QAnon uses the oldest trope of all mystery fiction. A mysterious stranger shows up and drops a strange clue leading to long-hidden secrets which his clues, and your detecting power, can reveal.


    It doesn’t work for reality. Real people in the government with important information to disseminate deliver it as fast as possible usually all in one go. They don’t make you solve things. They try to be as specific as possible. They are whistle blowers.

    6 votes