12 votes

Panel rejects psychedelic drug MDMA as a PTSD treatment in possible setback for advocates


  1. MangoTiger
    From what I understand, the long-term side effects of MDMA, even in low doses, still aren't well researched. And what little studies there have been have shown the potential for heart issues. So...

    From what I understand, the long-term side effects of MDMA, even in low doses, still aren't well researched. And what little studies there have been have shown the potential for heart issues. So this decision doesn't seem very surprising to me, as disappointing as it is as a supporter of psychedelic and overall drug decriminalization (particularly for therapeutic purposes). LSD and psilocybin seem like more promising candidates for approval, given how safe they are physically. There's still decades of research to catch up on with those substances, though, but it seems like progress is being made. Hopefully, as more states and localities (or even other countries) decriminalize possession of these substances, more money will flow into well-constructed research trials that will bolster proposals like this in the future.

    10 votes
  2. JCPhoenix

    A panel of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted 10-1 against the overall benefits of MDMA when used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. They cited flawed study data, questionable research conduct and significant drug risks, including the potential for heart problems, injury and abuse.

    9 votes