15 votes

New study shows Medicare-For-All savings likely 2.5x previous estimates

1 comment

  1. alessa
    This right here has me kind of slackjawed. Not only does the working class pay out the nose for healthcare, but the owning class actually makes money on healthcare? Granted that it's less than a...

    Contrast this to the top 20 percent of Americans (those making over $221,000). These families spend an average $7,980 on health care each year. At the same time, they receive $8,290 in tax exemptions for health spending, including both the share paid by them and the share paid by their employers. This means they receive, on average, a surplus of 0.1 percent of their income through health spending. The top 5 percent of families, meanwhile, receive a 0.9 percent surplus.

    This right here has me kind of slackjawed. Not only does the working class pay out the nose for healthcare, but the owning class actually makes money on healthcare? Granted that it's less than a percent of income, that's still a pretty damn stacked deck.

    Otherwise I'm very pleased by this news and the result of the study. It is really great to have this backing us up. We'll definitely need more of a sea change in our government to get it implemented but it'd change so many lives. Medicare is really, really great.

    2 votes