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    1. Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - March 19

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the...

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!

      16 votes
    2. COVID ( @UCSF ) Chronicles, Day 2

      @bob_wachter: COVID (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 2 The response to post #1 was gratifying, so I'll make this a daily digest...of life inside @ucsf/@ucsfhospitals as we begin managing growing # of #COVID19 pts. Pic below: a few principles I'll follow for these posts. Today's issues follow...(1/10)

      4 votes
    3. Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - March 18

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the...

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!

      23 votes
    4. Daily coronavirus-related chat, questions, and minor updates - March 17

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the...

      This thread is posted daily, and is intended as a place for more-casual discussion of the coronavirus and questions/updates that may not warrant their own dedicated topics. Tell us about what the situation is like where you live!

      15 votes