26 votes

Ramses II’s long-lost sarcophagus has finally been identified

1 comment

  1. ChingShih
    Very relevant sub-heading: An Egyptologist recently concluded that a fragment of an overlooked granite coffin bears the great pharaoh's name. So very much not a "look what we just dug up!"...

    Very relevant sub-heading: An Egyptologist recently concluded that a fragment of an overlooked granite coffin bears the great pharaoh's name.

    So very much not a "look what we just dug up!" situation, but these kinds of articles seem to come up from time to time and it makes me wonder how many things have been archived in museums or universities and not given another look, or were mischaracterized in the first place.

    Anyway, the fairly short article is still worth a quick read because it gets into how sarcophagi were used and sometimes re-used (gross!) and then some background on Ramses II (that guy who was a big fan of public works projects, but also took credit for older public works, publicly).

    13 votes