9 votes

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  1. [2]
    This is paywalled, but Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie did a pretty good musical summary. And yeah, even though Canada wasn't formed until 1867, we still take credit.

    This is paywalled, but Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie did a pretty good musical summary. And yeah, even though Canada wasn't formed until 1867, we still take credit.

    3 votes
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. aphoenix
        Link Parent
        Oh yeah, absolutely. We take credit because credit is due! British in name only at that point, and only because we hadn't gotten around to respectfully forming the colony into a country in its own...

        Oh yeah, absolutely. We take credit because credit is due! British in name only at that point, and only because we hadn't gotten around to respectfully forming the colony into a country in its own right as part of the commonwealth.

        3 votes
  2. Arghblarg
    Sorry. :/ (Canadian, couldn't resist)

    Sorry. :/
    (Canadian, couldn't resist)

    1 vote