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The top six medical inventions during the American civil war
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Wild Bill Hickok: He Claimed He Killed 100s, But His Fatalities Were Closer To 10
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How Spanish got its ñ - the story behind that "n with a tilde"
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American History Textbooks' Lies: Everything Your Teacher Got Wrong - Myths, Education (1995)
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Revolutionary War fighting ended in 1781. The last shots exploded two months ago.
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Are we on the road to civilization collapse?
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Teutoburg Forest 9 AD - Roman-Germanic wars
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In 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in New York’s Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism
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The assassination of Fred Hampton
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The overlooked history of African American skate culture
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How the US has hidden its empire: The United States likes to think of itself as a republic, but it holds territories all over the world – the map you always see doesn’t tell the whole story.
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Gossip was a powerful tool for the powerless in Ancient Greece
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The fatal ensnaring of Dan DePew
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Sack of Constantinople 1204 - Fourth Crusade
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Seeking Utopia in Louisiana - The lost story of a group of socialists who built an extraordinary, but flawed, colony
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Emmeline Pankhurst: The Suffragette who used militant tactics to win women the vote
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Death and valor on a warship doomed by its own Navy - An investigation into the crash of the USS Fitzgerald
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Black mecca or most unequal US city: Will the real Atlanta please stand up?
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Eastern Front of WWII animated: 1943/44
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Zela, Ruspina, & Thapsus (47 to 46 B.C.E.)
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Socrates versus Roger Stone
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Toadbollock, Dustiberd and Lytillskyll: historian on what names can tell us about everyday medieval life
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Grave of Matthew Flinders discovered after 200 years near London station
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So I became a historian—Now I’m telling how it worked out
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History is written by the losers
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Xenophon: The ancient Greek rebel leader who saw Socrates solo-dancing
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The Pyramids of Giza - Chapter 1: The Charlatan and the Gossip
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How the Latin East contributed to a unique cultural world
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Noam Chomsky - The Right Turn (1986)
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In the 19th century, American theatres provided the stage for a war between high and low culture, the elite and ‘Know-Nothings’ – and Britain and the US. In 1849, events turned bloody.
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Children of Ted - Two decades after his last deadly act of ecoterrorism, the Unabomber has become an unlikely prophet to a new generation of acolytes
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Last Sassanids and the anti-Caliphate alliance with Tang
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Christmas cards could prove valuable in time so don't be so quick to throw them out
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Remarkable 120-year-old letter to Santa discovered in England
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Two intricate calligraphy pages from the sixteenth-century manuscript “Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta” have been decoded for the first time
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Kindertransport children to get 2,500 euros in compensation from German government
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Untouched 4,400-year-old tomb discovered at Saqqara, Egypt
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Mystery blast sank the USS San Diego in 1918. New report reveals what happened
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Economic Update: The Great American Purge
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A brief history of US dirty wars in Central America that set the stage for the refugee crisis
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A sea story
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A Gale of Revolution in the Air
This is a speech that was delivered to the French National Assembly by Alexis de Tocqueville in January, 1848 - just a month before the outbreak of the 1848 "February Revolution." I find it to be...
This is a speech that was delivered to the French National Assembly by Alexis de Tocqueville in January, 1848 - just a month before the outbreak of the 1848 "February Revolution."
I find it to be remarkably prescient - even to this day - yet vastly underappreciated (at least from an American/English-speaking perspective).
I am told that there is no danger because there are no riots; I am told that, because there is no visible disorder on the surface of society, there is no revolution at hand.
Gentlemen, permit me to say that I believe you are mistaken. True, there is no actual disorder; but it has entered deeply into men's minds. See what is preparing itself amongst the working classes, who, I grant, are at present quiet. No doubt they are not disturbed by political passions, properly so called, to the same extent that they have been; but can you not see that their passions, instead of political, have become social? Do you not see that they are gradually forming opinions and ideas that are destined not only to upset this or that law, ministry, or even form of government, but society itself, until it totters upon the foundations on which it rests today? Do you not listen to what they say to themselves each day? Do you not hear them repeating unceasingly that all that is above them is incapable and unworthy of governing them; that the distribution of goods prevalent until now throughout the world is unjust; that property rests on a foundation that is not an equitable one? And do you not realize that when such opinions take root, when they spread in an almost universal manner, when they sink deeply into the masses, they are bound to bring with them sooner or later, I know not when or how, a most formidable revolution?
This, gentlemen, is my profound conviction: I believe that we are at this moment sleeping on a volcano. I am profoundly convinced of it.
I was saying just now that this evil would sooner or later, I know not how or whence it will come, bring with it a most serious revolution: be assured that that is so.-
When I come to investigate what, at different times, in different periods, among different peoples, has been the effective cause that has brought about the downfall of the governing classes, I perceive this or that event, man, or accidental or superficial cause; but, believe me, the real reason, the effective reason that causes men to lose political power is that they have become unworthy to retain it.
Think, gentlemen, of the old monarchy: it was stronger than you are, stronger in its origin; it was able to lean more than you do upon ancient customs, ancient habits, ancient beliefs; it was stronger than you are, and yet it has fallen to dust. And why did it fall? Do you think it was by the particular mischance? Do you think it was by the act some man, by the deficit, the oath in the tennis court, Lafayette, Mirabeau? No, gentlemen; there was another reason: the class that was then the governing class had become, through its indifference, its selfishness, and its vices, incapable and unworthy of governing the country.
That was the true reason.
Well, gentlemen, if it is right to have this patriotic prejudice at all times, how much more is it not right to have it in our own? Do you not feel, by some intuitive instinct that is not capable of analysis, but that is undeniable, that the earth is quaking once again in Europe? Do you not feel -- what shall I say? -- as it were a gale of revolution in the air? This gale, no one knows whence it springs, whence it blows, nor, believe me, whom it will carry with it; and it is in such times as these that you remain calm before the degradation of public morality -- for the expression is not too strong.
I speak here without bitterness; I am even addressing you without any party spirit; I am attacking men against whom I feel no vindictiveness. But I am obliged to communicate to my country my firm and profound conviction. Well, then, my firm and profound conviction is this: that public morality is being degraded, and that the degradation of public morality will shortly, very shortly perhaps, bring down upon you new revolutions. Is the life of kings held by stronger threads? And these more difficult to snap than those of other men? Can you say today that you are certain of tomorrow? Do you know what may happen in France a year hence, or even a month or a day hence? You do not know; but what you must know is that the tempest is looming on the horizon, that it is coming toward us. Will you allow it to take you by surprise?
Gentlemen, I implore you not to do so. I do not ask you, I implore you. I would gladly throw myself on my knees before you, so strongly do I believe in the reality and the seriousness of he danger, so convinced am I that my warnings are no empty rhetoric. Yes, the danger is great. Allay it while there is yet time; correct the evil by efficacious remedies, by attacking it not in its symptoms, but in itself.
Legislative changes have been spoken of. I am greatly disposed to think that these changes are not only very useful, but necessary; thus, I believe in the need of electoral reform, in the urgency of parliamentary reform; but I am not, gentlemen, so mad as not to know that no laws can affect the destinies of nations. No, it is not the mechanism of laws that produced great events, gentlemen, but the inner spirit of the government. Keep the laws as they are, if you wish. I think you would be very wrong to do so; but keep them. Keep the men, too, if it gives you any pleasure. I raise no objection so far as I am concerned. But, in God's name, change the spirit of the government; for, I repeat, that spirit will lead you to the abyss.
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The Roman triumph
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The Confederacy was built on slavery. How can so many southern whites still believe otherwise?
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Return of African artifacts sets a tricky precedent for Europe’s museums
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A new history for humanity – The Human Era
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A 4,000-year old tale of trade and contraband
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This staircase from the Eiffel Tower is for sale
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We thought the Incas couldn’t write. These knots change everything
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