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According to a woman tasked with checking for poison in Adolf Hitler's meals, Hitler was sympathetic to vegetarianism

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  1. Kuromantis

    A woman who served as Adolf Hitler’s food taster has claimed that the Führer was a dedicated vegetarian.

    Margot Woelk, 95, said that Hitler ate only the freshest fruit and vegetables during the two and a half years that she was forced to check his food for traces of poison.

    “It was all vegetarian, the most delicious fresh things, from asparagus to peppers and peas, served with rice and salads. It was all arranged on one plate, just as it was served to him. There was no meat and I do not remember any fish.

    Hitler’s apparent enthusiasm for vegetarianism reflected the Nazi obsession with Aryan bodily purity.

    A Hitler Youth manual from the 1930s promoted soya beans, which it called “Nazi beans” as an alternative to meat.

    In 1942, Hitler told Joseph Goebbels that he intended to convert Germany to vegetarianism when he won the war.

    [...] although he referred to meat broth as “corpse tea”, he was not fastidious about declining meat. Dione Lucas, his cook before the war, claimed that he was a fan of stuffed pigeon and he was also known to be partial to Bavarian sausages and the occasional slice of ham.

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