8 votes

Weekly thread for casual chat and photos of pets

This is the place for casual discussion about our pets.

Photos are welcome, show us your pet(s) and tell us about them!

1 comment

  1. Oslypsis
    (edited )
    Unfortunately we had a bit of a setback with Marlow when he figured out how to maneuver over his soft donut cone. He was always good at getting out of the plastic cone that I figured the less...

    Unfortunately we had a bit of a setback with Marlow when he figured out how to maneuver over his soft donut cone. He was always good at getting out of the plastic cone that I figured the less stretchy drawstring cord on the soft cone would keep it on. It did, but he just learned to squish it down to get to his neuter area.

    So back to the vet we went. The vet said his eye looked great, his weight was the same, and she gave him a two week antibiotic for his new neuter wound. I have topical wound spray (that he hates, sadly, as I suspect the sound scares him), as well as pet wet wipes for cats to clean any extra nasties that get on him or his cone.

    For his new cone setup, I'm using the hard plastic cone that he can't squish down, safety pinned the tab through its slot so he can't slide it out, and I also took the cord and clasp out of the donut cone and use that instead of the stretchy gauze tie the vet originally gave us. This seems to have stopped him from getting out of the cone or getting around it.

    He loves being in my room, since he knows that's where he goes to get relief from his cone (with supervision, ofc). Here he is, cleaning, scratching, and cleaning some more.


    4 votes