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    1. Let's talk bags

      What are you using to carry your stuff? What stuff are you carrying? What's good/bad about it? What is your dream bag? Anything bag related is welcome.

      26 votes
    2. Guys, what style of facial hair (if any) do you have? Why that style?

      There are so many variants of beards, stubble, mustache, etc. around, and also clean shaven style. It's interesting why people prefer their particular facial hair styles, kinda the ideas behind...

      There are so many variants of beards, stubble, mustache, etc. around, and also clean shaven style. It's interesting why people prefer their particular facial hair styles, kinda the ideas behind them. Maybe depending on how it grows, and to feel confident, to be liked by others, or it feels nice, or something else. What's your story?

      16 votes