i genuinely appreciate slate for taking dumb, amusing memes from people who use the worst possible arguments to defend gun rights and expanding them into full blown story pitches like this which...
i genuinely appreciate slate for taking dumb, amusing memes from people who use the worst possible arguments to defend gun rights and expanding them into full blown story pitches like this which explain how garbage feral hogs are and why they should be systematically eradicated (although generally not with guns).
If the goberment takes my assault rifles they'd better replace them with similarly specified compound bows to allow me to snipe feral hogs in an efficient, stealthy fashion.
If the goberment takes my assault rifles they'd better replace them with similarly specified compound bows to allow me to snipe feral hogs in an efficient, stealthy fashion.
i genuinely appreciate slate for taking dumb, amusing memes from people who use the worst possible arguments to defend gun rights and expanding them into full blown story pitches like this which explain how garbage feral hogs are and why they should be systematically eradicated (although generally not with guns).
As the hog-scientist in the article points out, you would not be able to kill 30-50 wild hogs with an assault rifle.
If the goberment takes my assault rifles they'd better replace them with similarly specified compound bows to allow me to snipe feral hogs in an efficient, stealthy fashion.
i look forward to this future where i can experience authentic far cry gameplay, but in real life.