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    1. Donald Trump trials - Georgia election interference state court case - Megathread

      Texts, documents hint at convicted witness bail bond business owner Scott Hall's wide ties to Coffee County breach, Trump allies ahead of trial Hall played a part in various post-election events,...

      Texts, documents hint at convicted witness bail bond business owner Scott Hall's wide ties to Coffee County breach, Trump allies ahead of trial

      Hall played a part in various post-election events, and he's taken a plea deal. He will testify in the Georgia 2020 election trials.


      Hall's alleged involvement following the 2020 election reaches beyond the small south Georgia county. This includes personal relationships with those close to the former president.

      Several media outlets, including CNN, have reported that Hall is related to David Bossie, chairman of the conservative group Citizens United who briefly led the former president's post-election legal challenges. Bossie's name appears in the Fulton indictment.

      In late November 2020, David Shafer introduced Hall to a group of individuals including Robert Sinners, a current spokesperson for the Georgia Secretary of State's office who then worked for Trump's campaign. In the email, Shafer said Hall was "looking into the election" on behalf of the former president at Bossie's request.

      This is described in Act 4 in the indictment, though Sinners is referred to as "unindicted co-conspirator Individual 4" by Fulton prosecutors. Sinners has since disavowed the post-2020 election activities that took place in Georgia.

      Hall may also know about the letter former Justice Department official Jeffery Clark wanted to send that alleged the agency "identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple States, including the State of Georgia."

      34 votes
    2. What can be done about the Supreme Court of the United States?

      I'm pitching this question out to Tildes because I'm drawing a blank. It feels like we have seen an absolute stripping of our rights and unbridled support for large, private capital in the past...

      I'm pitching this question out to Tildes because I'm drawing a blank. It feels like we have seen an absolute stripping of our rights and unbridled support for large, private capital in the past week; and I'm unsure of how to respond. Considering the scale of impact these rulings will have on every US citizen's day to day life, things are surprisingly quiet. I'm wondering how other folks are thinking about mobilizing - be it through protest, outreach to representatives, or civil disobedience. It doesn't feel like there is a wave of ire. At least in my circles, there are no protests like the Women's March or BLM. There has been no response from my local representatives in congress or state senators. It's just eerie radio silence.

      Is anyone else feeling this way? Has anyone joined or developed some sort of response to what is happening?

      83 votes
    3. What are the most effective ways to help get Joe Biden re-elected in the US?

      So I'm kind of terrified by recent political news. What can I do to help? Options include: Donating Phone banking Text banking Postcarding Door knocking Volunteering as an election worker Does...

      So I'm kind of terrified by recent political news. What can I do to help?

      Options include:

      • Donating
      • Phone banking
      • Text banking
      • Postcarding
      • Door knocking
      • Volunteering as an election worker

      Does anyone have an informed opinion about which of these will actually move the needle and which ones just make you feel like you're doing something?

      48 votes