4 votes

'Touch of Evil' lacks a soul

1 comment

  1. lou
    (edited )
    I've been watching film noir lately. Trying to fill the gaps, as I usually do. I started writing short reviews on Letterboxd, mostly so I don't forget how I felt about a movie, and what caught my...

    I've been watching film noir lately. Trying to fill the gaps, as I usually do. I started writing short reviews on Letterboxd, mostly so I don't forget how I felt about a movie, and what caught my attention. If I don't write, all the movies get mixed in my head, I forget what I watched, or anything specific that made that movie stand out. The initial idea was to write a weekly blog post summarizing everything I watched. That didn't last long, as I soon felt the urge to write a more traditional commentary about particular movies. This is what I had to say about Orson Welles' Touch of Evil. That makes more sense on a blog because I like to show screenshots as examples of what I am trying to convey.

    3 votes