8 votes

Glass | Official trailer


  1. [2]
    Unbreakable was the first realistic super-hero movie. I loved that movie and was super bummed when it flopped. M Fight Shamanan did a lot of other movies, but I didn’t really get into most of...

    Unbreakable was the first realistic super-hero movie. I loved that movie and was super bummed when it flopped. M Fight Shamanan did a lot of other movies, but I didn’t really get into most of those. Was neither here nor there. Then when I saw Split and I liked the movie already, but that last part was like a cherry on a really old sundae, but not like that metaphor at all. I’m super excited for this, even if it’s the last one. Maybe especially if they just tie it all off. That would be amazing. No universe. No endless sequels. I hope it lives up.

    4 votes
    1. GyroTech
      Link Parent
      I think Unbreakable and Split we're so good because they were films that didn't have a large studio backing pushing for an "M. Night" formula. I really hope with the cult/sleeper success of those...

      I think Unbreakable and Split we're so good because they were films that didn't have a large studio backing pushing for an "M. Night" formula. I really hope with the cult/sleeper success of those films hasn't caused the usual producer interference that can so often dilute a great idea.

      I've read that M. Night got the idea for Split before Unbreakable, and that he actually wanted for the Split story to be the second act of Unbreakable, but couldn't work it in and keep focus in a single film.

  2. [2]
    That was not at all what I was expecting!! Looks rad though. I saw Unbreakable back around when it came out but don't really remember much. And never saw Split. Looks like I got some catching up...

    That was not at all what I was expecting!!

    Looks rad though. I saw Unbreakable back around when it came out but don't really remember much. And never saw Split. Looks like I got some catching up to do.

    1. GyroTech
      Link Parent
      Split is a must-see. I was lucky enough to see it going in blind, the only thing I was told is that it was somewhat of a return to form for M. Night. Though obviously the tension of whether James...

      Split is a must-see. I was lucky enough to see it going in blind, the only thing I was told is that it was somewhat of a return to form for M. Night.

      Though obviously the tension of whether James McAvoy's character is has a beast or just plain disturbed is pretty much spoiled with this trailer, it is still well worth watching for his scenes of transition between the personalities.

      2 votes