3 votes

Darren Hayes looks back: ‘What you can’t see is how unhappy I was’

1 comment

  1. vili
    It's a pity Hayes hasn't been able to replicate the level of success with his solo career that Savage Garden had with their debut. I feel he would deserve more recognition as his work post Savage...

    It's a pity Hayes hasn't been able to replicate the level of success with his solo career that Savage Garden had with their debut. I feel he would deserve more recognition as his work post Savage Garden has been constantly brilliant. I am eagerly anticipating the new album, his first in over a decade.

    If you haven't given Hayes a listen, The Tension and the Spark (2004) is one of my all time favourite albums. It was, and still is, a bold and quite dark exploration of difficult subjects (referenced also in this article), delivered within a pop framework. Or if you prefer something a little more upbeat, give Secret Codes and Battleships (2011) a listen.

    2 votes