The long anticipated sequel to the nuclear fire track from Gunship's first album, Tech Noir 2 bookends the journey with an optimistic, anti-war message. It begins with a poem read by John...
The long anticipated sequel to the nuclear fire track from Gunship's first album, Tech Noir 2 bookends the journey with an optimistic, anti-war message. It begins with a poem read by John Carpenter that, nearly as soon as it greets you with the familiar, haunting synth intro of Tech Noir, quickly welcomes the pervasive saxophone character of the album, played romantically by Tim Cappello of Lost Boys fame to set the tone for the rest of the song.
The long anticipated sequel to the nuclear fire track from Gunship's first album, Tech Noir 2 bookends the journey with an optimistic, anti-war message. It begins with a poem read by John Carpenter that, nearly as soon as it greets you with the familiar, haunting synth intro of Tech Noir, quickly welcomes the pervasive saxophone character of the album, played romantically by Tim Cappello of Lost Boys fame to set the tone for the rest of the song.