Regarding the story, we know the two main characters Nostrand and Neah aka Creature and Sister Spider are Vaxis' parents. The story revolves around them trying to place their son as the new...
Regarding the story, we know the two main characters Nostrand and Neah aka Creature and Sister Spider are Vaxis' parents. The story revolves around them trying to place their son as the new "father of the universe". Looks like this first album is Nostrand & Neah's story. In the interview Claudio says Vaxis' story should come in fully around album #3.
Interview starts at 30:45.
Anyone got a TL;DL?
Regarding the story, we know the two main characters Nostrand and Neah aka Creature and Sister Spider are Vaxis' parents. The story revolves around them trying to place their son as the new "father of the universe". Looks like this first album is Nostrand & Neah's story. In the interview Claudio says Vaxis' story should come in fully around album #3.
Thanks, man. Exactly the info I was looking for.