Erik's recent activity

  1. Comment on Aaron Rodgers began his stint as guest host on Jeopardy! in ~tv

    As a Packer fan, but someone that knows almost nothing about Jeopardy, I have been waiting for this thread to see what people think of him that are big fans of the show. I personally like Rodgers'...

    As a Packer fan, but someone that knows almost nothing about Jeopardy, I have been waiting for this thread to see what people think of him that are big fans of the show. I personally like Rodgers' demeanor and his appearances on Pat McAfee's show this last year were always entertaining. He really does seem like a guy that's sort of figured himself out a bit (having his salary will definitely help you have time/resources for soul searching) and is very zen. But I honestly don't know how well that transfers over to Jeopardy.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Finished off Steve Cotter's six week full-body kettlebell routine and wrote up my thoughts on it. I'll copy/paste some here, but you can go here for the full text:...

    Finished off Steve Cotter's six week full-body kettlebell routine and wrote up my thoughts on it. I'll copy/paste some here, but you can go here for the full text:

    Here's some thoughts:

    The grind is real.
    As I mentioned at the end of RKC RoP, all those presses were giving me sore shoulder joints. This program has less emphasis on pressing, but there’s still presses on both days and so I don’t think my shoulders ever truly recovered. The result was sore joints pretty much all six weeks of this, which also made the presses a bit of a slog.

    But even outside of that, the rest of this program feels very grindy. I think part of it is there’s no progression. With RKC RoP, you’re always pushing to get that 5 x (1,2,3,4,5) ladder done so you can move up to a heavier kettlebell. With 5/3/1, there’s a loading strategy to keep increasing difficulty. This is just six weeks at the same weight, reps and sets. It’s tough to feel engaged. Add in there’s only two days of work you bounce back and forth between over and over again. So, about three weeks in, I was feeling a combination of less motivation and more worn down.

    This may be more on me than Cotter’s design. When I saw those low weights, I assumed it was more of a beginner program. But given that this is four days a week of full body workouts, including the exact same exercises two to four times a week, a lower weight may have been best to make sure I didn’t get worn down! All that volume on the same muscles over and over again added up!

    That said, having a full day dedicated just to arms was enough to keep me getting 5 days a week most weeks (I missed one day all program and that was due to getting the COVID-19 vaccine and dealing with the side-effects). Vanity is a good motivator, but also without any overhead shoulder work, and less emphasis on lungs/cardio and more on hypertrophy, I knew I wouldn’t be suffering when those days came up. At least not in a way I dislike.

    One thing I wish I could have done is do this with more than two weight choices. I understand that Cotter likely wanted to make his program accessible and so putting all these lifts at different weights starts to mean only people with gym access or a large collection of bells can do it. But he’s already asking quite a bit with three different weights and two of each of those. So, why not go all out?

    Particularly, the presses being at the same weight as stuff like swings seems really unbalanced. Strict pressing engages a small amount of shoulder and arm muscles and doesn’t use gravity or momentum to help. Stuff like swings engage the entire posterior chain and have the benefit of gravity helping out, meaning you can do those much heavier than presses. But that’s not how this program is designed.
    I thought about further modifying this program to fix just that. Use 80 lbs for stuff like two handed swings, 40 lbs for some of the overhead presses, for example. However, I like to work outside and carrying more than two bells outside seemed more trouble than it’s worth. So, I slogged through some 62 lb presses. Considering the progress on my arm size, I’d say pushing myself to press that heavy worked out.

    The lack of rows, or direct biceps work at all, is also not ideal. I’m perhaps more tuned into seeing that since my arms are very tough for me to grow, so I look for arm work almost right away. But this program, outside of biceps, seems to hit basically everything really well. The closest we get are the cleans, which do engage the biceps a bit, but the primary movers on kettlebell cleans are the posterior chain, with the biceps taming the arc at the end. That’s stabilization more than direct work.

    I also think this program may over work the posterior chain a little bit. There’s almost too many cleans and swings, all of which heavily engage those muscles. While these are fun, explosive movements, at a certain point we can accept the chain has been worked. Then on top of those, we add in some deadlifts. The deadlifts are a bit of a dead zone in the program, they aren’t explosive movements, so they don’t spike the heart rate, in addition to working muscle groups already thoroughly covered. I guess they’re a good rest before doing snatches, which are very demanding.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    That is an incredible amount of pull-ups. I'm honestly jealous of your ability to do that many.

    That is an incredible amount of pull-ups. I'm honestly jealous of your ability to do that many.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    I also found myself more naturally doing a "squat swing" than a proper swing when I started training with kettlebells. They are a lot easier when you do them properly!

    I also found myself more naturally doing a "squat swing" than a proper swing when I started training with kettlebells. They are a lot easier when you do them properly!

    1 vote
  5. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    Listening to some disappointing new releases from some bands I generally like. A Day To Remember is the biggest offender. I didn't care much for their last album (Bad Vibrations) after being a fan...

    Listening to some disappointing new releases from some bands I generally like.

    A Day To Remember is the biggest offender. I didn't care much for their last album (Bad Vibrations) after being a fan of everything else they put out. So, I was ready to be disappointed by their new disk, You're Welcome, but it was still pretty disappointing in my opinion. From what I've seen, even the band's sub-reddit is pretty divided on it. Kinda of sad to see an innovator of combining pop punk with hardcore punk just cranking out some decaf Arcade Fire songs.

    The other is less disappointing, with Architects' new disk, For Those That Wish to Exist. It's certainly not a bad disk, but it kind of went through me like chugging water and peeing a few minutes later. Architects have been monsters of the metalcore scene and they've definitely decided to switch more toward arena rock. In fairness, this is a me problem, the album hit number 1 in multiple countries and so they seemed to have achieved a greater audience than they've ever had. But for me, this isn't why I turn to Architects.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on A quite possibly wonderful summer in ~life

    Link Parent
    Yeah, people seem to myopically focus on the mortality rate when, as you point out, there seems to be a lot more to COVID-19 than just whether or not it kills you. I was even thinking about how...

    Yeah, people seem to myopically focus on the mortality rate when, as you point out, there seems to be a lot more to COVID-19 than just whether or not it kills you. I was even thinking about how future draft prospects in sports may have to prove they never had COVID or if they did, that might make their draft prospects fall. Just an example of just how far reaching this thing could be. Maybe it's not permanent, maybe after years it heals or something. I don't know enough. But I do know that long term damage is happening.

    And also, being sick as a kid is just not fun! I barely remember Disney when my parents took me, but I definitely remember being in hospitals a couple of times (un-diagnosed asthma, bone injury, other things) really well and I didn't like it then and I don't like remembering it!

    I agree with you 100%, why not just wait a few weeks (or months at most) to drastically lower their chance of permanent damage?

    7 votes
  7. Comment on How's your hair? in

    Link Parent
    Interesting to see that I've sort of accidentally adopted some of these without really knowing they were best practice. Thanks for the heads up.

    Interesting to see that I've sort of accidentally adopted some of these without really knowing they were best practice. Thanks for the heads up.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on A quite possibly wonderful summer in ~life

    I haven't followed COVID super closely, mostly just following guidelines that smarter people have come up with. So maybe someone here can explain: why would families be out traveling this summer...

    I haven't followed COVID super closely, mostly just following guidelines that smarter people have come up with. So maybe someone here can explain: why would families be out traveling this summer when it seems like the timeline for most kids, especially younger kids, won't be until August or September? I know many 16+ will have access by the May to June window Fauci is quoted talking about in this article, but my understanding was that younger children may not be even approved for the vaccine until at least around that time, let alone getting it in their arms.

    Is my knowledge behind on this? Are vaccines going to be approved for children sooner?

    3 votes
  9. Comment on How's your hair? in

    Like you, mine is long from quar. I got a haircut in March, so I'm not quite at a year, but since then I've stayed out of salons. While we have a set of electric razors, I don't want to have the...

    Like you, mine is long from quar. I got a haircut in March, so I'm not quite at a year, but since then I've stayed out of salons. While we have a set of electric razors, I don't want to have the same haircut as my son. So, I am just letting it grow. Probably the longest it's been in almost two decades, since I was in a touring band.

    Honestly, it's getting a bit annoying now because it's been on the cusp of being able to go back into a pony tail for like two months and I just want to get it up and out of the way. Especially when I'm working out. But the sides are just a little too short yet. I can see why undercuts became a thing, I just want to shave off the sides and be done with it. But undercuts are pretty over now and I'm too old to have one too boot, so I'll just be patient.

    5 votes
  10. Comment on Rush Limbaugh dead at 70 in ~news

    Link Parent
    I was just talking to my brother about how glad I was that my dad got uninterested in Rush during the 90s and how that probably saved him and my mom from going further down the rabbit hole of...

    I was just talking to my brother about how glad I was that my dad got uninterested in Rush during the 90s and how that probably saved him and my mom from going further down the rabbit hole of conservative disinformation. I remember his radio program being on around the farm while I was growing up, but when the farm died and my dad got a union job, Rush wasn't in the house any more. No idea for sure if the union helped him with that, but regardless, I feel fortunate that he gave it up all without me and my siblings having to try to get him off it.

    15 votes
  11. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~games

    Like this post, my comment will contain an incredible amount of spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077's story. Pretty good what ifs that could have seen the game's main plot take vastly different turns. I...

    Like this post, my comment will contain an incredible amount of spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077's story.

    Pretty good what ifs that could have seen the game's main plot take vastly different turns. I was a little turned off by how much the guy hated T Bug. Maybe if V hadn't wasted so much time getting the heist together, or if Deshone had gotten more runners to handle all the prep, her taking an extra three hours (which happens in tech all the time!) would not have been a big deal. He seems hyper focused on blaming her more than anyone for why the heist goes poorly, which I think isn't really justified.

    But the rest of it is very interesting and would have been cool to see in the game. Since so much of the pre-Jackie content was cut out of the game from my understanding, giving you some choice that really alters where the game goes would be interesting. I think you could have easily had some sort of plot device where both V and Jackie could see Johnny if Johnny stayed inside Jackie's head instead, solving a lot of problems with that plot change.

    Chasing down the Voodoo Boys to see what happened to Evelyn Parker also would have been a cool way to use a lot of the same assets that had already been developed for the game, but in a different way. The author definitely got a more "evil" read out of the Voodoo Boys than I did. I agree what they do to Parker is abhorrent, but V runs around killing like a dozen people a day just to get a job done for a random fixer (even if you play pacifist, your actions are going to lead to other people getting killed for failing to stop you), so to take issue with the Voodoo Boys as not also just survivors and self-interested like most of Night City rather than inherently evil seems an odd reading to me.

    Minor quibbles with his thoughts on a few things though, I think these would have been very cool to have in the game to give vastly different experiences. Especially as DLC and added content come and people will want to replay it for other reasons besides that, giving them different paths like this would have been very nice. I will definitely be playing through the game again after first experiencing it on PS4 (which was not nearly as buggy as reputation may say (with patches of course), but definitely not as smooth as on a high end PC).

    And, like the author, I really liked Jackie. But, at the same time, that helps make the funeral scene so powerful. The fact that the player is very much encouraged to get attached to him.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    Listening to the latest from For Your Health (In Spite Of) and it's very good if you like early 00s hardcore punk mixed in with some other flourishes. Definitely in that sort of hardcore revival...

    Listening to the latest from For Your Health (In Spite Of) and it's very good if you like early 00s hardcore punk mixed in with some other flourishes. Definitely in that sort of hardcore revival vein like SeeYouSpaceCowboy and END.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    Carbs are, at least for me, a very easy way to cut caloric density out of meals. Taco salad instead of tacos. Lettuce wrap instead of burger buns. Stuff like that can cut the calories of a meal in...

    Carbs are, at least for me, a very easy way to cut caloric density out of meals. Taco salad instead of tacos. Lettuce wrap instead of burger buns. Stuff like that can cut the calories of a meal in half for me, easily. So, I'm not really anti-carb either, but I find it's a very easy way to cut calories if your diet is running a little rich lately.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on The full schedule for BlizzCon 2021 has been released - Streaming free online on February 19-20 in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's interesting because Heroes is actually having a bit of a renaissance in the competitive scene. Their official Heroes esports Twitter account just got re-activated a few months ago and is...

    It's interesting because Heroes is actually having a bit of a renaissance in the competitive scene. Their official Heroes esports Twitter account just got re-activated a few months ago and is tweeting out about all the competitive stuff suddenly cropping up. Even some bigger streamers have been going back to it all of the sudden.

    The game was officially put on life-support a couple years back and had its budget drastically reduced, so it's not necessarily surprising that Heroes doesn't have any presence at this year's Blizzcon. But the suddenly resurgence of the game is a little bit interesting and during a time when Blizzard is obviously struggling to put out new content (as your comment points out), I'm surprised they aren't just leaning into HoTs as a sort of hail mary pass to do something.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on eve 6 - black nova (2021) in ~music

    Link Parent
    It's All In Your Head is, in my opinion, a top 10 underrated release. I think it's their most complete album. This one is sort of missing that pop punk edge they brought to a lot of their stuff...

    It's All In Your Head is, in my opinion, a top 10 underrated release. I think it's their most complete album.

    This one is sort of missing that pop punk edge they brought to a lot of their stuff and exchanges it out for more of an even-keeled vamping. I'm fine with this as a one off, but agree with you in hoping there's more of the classic sound from the other tracks.

    1 vote
  16. eve 6 - black nova (2021)

    Apple Music - Spotify - YouTube -...

    Apple Music -
    Spotify -
    YouTube -

    Late 90s alt-rockers Eve 6 return with their first new music in almost nine years. The extremely catchy hooks the band has been known for are back. Lyricist/sing Max Collins has also with a return to form on his excellent lyrics with lines like "wayward jehova/ask for a corona/ in the ambulance. The growth here seems to be a bit of the electronica influence from Collins' side project, Fitness, and his vocals, which sound more like Scott Weiland than the teen we know for singing the heart in a blender song.

    A little more laid back than some of eve 6's prior work, we'll see where the rest of the EP goes when it's released this summer.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Wrote up my thoughts on my last year of training the other day: I try to do a yearly look...

    Wrote up my thoughts on my last year of training the other day:

    I try to do a yearly look back on how my fitness journey is doing so I don't lose sight of the big picture. Usually I concentrate on a sort of theme for the year, but obviously COVID put all best laid plans out the window and my fitness was no different. Still, it proved a great opportunity for me to try a lot of new things and discover how much I like kettlebells.

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Fitness Weekly Discussion in ~health

    Link Parent
    This is exactly how it is for me. It's almost meditative. Just brush away all thoughts of the outside world. Form and music are all that matters. Like you, I still am staying out of the gym until...

    This is exactly how it is for me. It's almost meditative. Just brush away all thoughts of the outside world. Form and music are all that matters.

    Like you, I still am staying out of the gym until I get vaccinated. I've found owning a handful of kettlebells to be really rewarding. It's not quite like loading up a couple hundred pounds on a barbell, but you get to push against the iron in some nice full body movements that require some good form. Would recommend.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on SOPHIE has died in ~music

    Terrible news. I'll be honest that a lot of pop doesn't do it for me, but Sophie's Oil of Every Pearl is incredibly cool and aggressive and she had a lot of promise to keep pushing boundaries. RIP.

    Terrible news. I'll be honest that a lot of pop doesn't do it for me, but Sophie's Oil of Every Pearl is incredibly cool and aggressive and she had a lot of promise to keep pushing boundaries. RIP.

    6 votes
  20. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Great point on the the theme of the game. I do agree that it's been interesting seeing the game through a fresh pair of eyes. Especially an actual child's.

    Great point on the the theme of the game. I do agree that it's been interesting seeing the game through a fresh pair of eyes. Especially an actual child's.

    1 vote