Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want (2018)
it's here.
anthony fantano's 5th 10-star rating ("strong 9, light 10", ten-status granted)
"You Won't Get What You Want" by Daughters
the other albums rated this highly from fantano have been:
"The Money Store" - Death Grips
"Kids See Ghosts" - Kids See Ghosts (Kanye West, Kid Cudi)
"To Be Kind" - Swans
"To Pimp A Butterfly" - Kendrick Lamar
what do you think about this album? what'd you like, what'd you hate?
where would you rate it, out of 10?
how do you feel it performs compared to it's compatriot records listed above?
how would you rank those?
Also, am I the only person that really doesn't care for Fantano's opinion? I know he's appealing to a general fanbase, but he's reviewing albums with sometimes obvious biases and slants, but yet also expects to be taken seriously as a reviewer. Every time I watch one of his videos I get an air of condescension from him talking, like, "if you don't agree with me you're wrong" type of thing (although that's likely just my own biases at work). On top of that, all of his thinkpieces and "let's argue" videos are poorly-cited opinions passed off as fact.
In all fairness, he has turned me on to some good bands that I don't think I would have found otherwise, like Brockhampton and KEN Mode.
He is very open with his opinions being exactly that, so I don't know where you get anything else from. You don't have to like his content or even respect him, but I think expecting "objectivity" from someone reviewing art is the most ridiculous thing you could possibly expect.
An objective review would just tell you what a record sounds like with no commentary on if that's good, how it works, how you can connect it to other things, etc. It'd be boring and honestly pretty worthless. If all I wanted was to know the contents of an album, what would a reviewer give me that listening to it wouldn't?
If any reviewer claims their opinions are objective fact, run far far away.
Totally agree - I see Fantano as that mate that just really knows his shit, and so I respect his opinion on whatever - that doesn't mean I have to enjoy what he enjoys. He's not a critique publication, he's just one guy. If his reviews reflected anything other than his completely subjective opinion, then his whole channel would be hot air.
I think it's a big deal whenever Fantano gives anything a 10. I wouldn't agree on any of his choices (except maybe TPAB), but this has certainly got me to listen to Daughters when I wouldn't have otherwise.
This is the closest thing in this thread to my opinion. I would disagree with Fantano on many things, I don't take his word as gospel, and I try to ensure that his opinions do not cloud my own experiences of music. That said, I recognize that he has listened to a lot more music across a great deal more genres and styles than I have, and for that reason alone his videos are worth my time.
It's really the same as any other critic, his opinion doesn't / shouldn't mean much. What he brings to the table is that he knows music pretty well. It might be the case these days that there are people more knowledgeable than him, but he started in like 2007ish. At this point, he's made a name for himself. Obviously hes going to include his opinions because music is above everything else, subjective. I think it comes down to the dude is passionate about what he does, has an easy to watch format, and can be funny sometimes (and started doing this before youtube really hit its stride.)
I swear to god I have never ever heard about this guy. But 10 minutes in here and I've seen his name twice.
Who is he, some big shot of music reviews?
Yeah, as far as internet music nerdom goes, Anthony Fantano / TheNeedleDrop / melon is the biggest name.
Really, really not a fan. I'm honestly shocked Fantano would give a 10 to something so safe and static.
I've disagreed with his 10s in the past, I think To Be Kind is very hollow and Kids See Ghosts is cool but doesn't hold up quite so well upon a lot of replays...but this is just so devoid of anything interesting to anyone who has heard even slightly noisy rock music before (obviously that isn't the case in a literal sense, but it feels like retreading ground that's been overdone for 30 years) that I don't know what's happening here. Maybe this record would stand out or be a bit refreshing if it were released in 1980, but as it is I can't even see this having any more soul to it than that new Greta Van Fleet album or something equally lifeless.
I think you kind of hit the nail on the head there, that's one of the main points of the album. It puts you in a seriously strange mood upon listening, and has a lifeless, hopeless feeling to it. To your point about it being a retread, you're not wrong but at the same time, not to many bands have put out albums like this lately, so I think that's why everyones so excited for it. I personally agree it's not a solid 10/10 but as a whole it's a very well executed album from a band who came back after an almost decade long hiatus.
I didn't mean the mood, I mean the lack of ideas worth showing off, like that Greta Van Fleet album which is essentially just bad Led Zeppelin. A dead or lifeless sound is fine, but that's not what I was getting at, I mean that it doesn't really do anything to even assert its right to exist.
I know what you meant, I was playing off of what you said. And I can agree it's not the greatest thing ever but I don't know if it's so bad that it shouldn't exist...
I gotchu, I just don't think describing the mood or tone of something means much in terms of quality, you know? I can think of good and bad things with any kind of tone. I think I'm being a little mean though, what makes music good is so abstract compared to other kinds of art that it's hard to communicate, and I do the same with things that I like.
And imo there's a distinction between "this shouldn't exist" (which I would only reserve for art that is truly hateful or something) and "this doesn't show me any reason why it should exist," where I'm left wondering why anyone put time and effort into it. I worded it a bit harshly, sorry.
Nah, makes sense! I can also see it not standing out so much especially if you are familiar with a lot of noise music.
Really glad to see Daughters came back after Hell Songs, I thought they were at least on hiatus. I listened to them in 2013-14 and enjoyed it but it didn't really stick with me that much long-term. Side note, their guitarist and vocalist have (had?) a straight-up powerviolence side project called Fucking Invincible, and it rips.