Neuromonákh Feofán (lit. “Theophanes The Neuromonk”) is a Russian band from Saint-Petersburg that combines Slavic folk motives with drum-and-bass beats. The vocalist also doesn't reduce his...
Neuromonákh Feofán
(lit. “Theophanes The Neuromonk”) is a Russian band from
Saint-Petersburg that combines Slavic folk motives with drum-and-bass
beats. The vocalist also doesn't reduce his vowels, which makes him
sound very Northern and very rural (aka “ókanje”). I hope you enjoy.
That was both bizarre and funny, but also really awesome. The video was great too, especially the costumes and dancing! Seriously glad to have you back and sharing your music finds again, ainar. :)
That was both bizarre and funny, but also really awesome. The video was great too, especially the costumes and dancing! Seriously glad to have you back and sharing your music finds again, ainar. :)
Neuromonákh Feofán (lit. “Theophanes The Neuromonk”) is a Russian band from Saint-Petersburg that combines Slavic folk motives with drum-and-bass beats. The vocalist also doesn't reduce his vowels, which makes him sound very Northern and very rural (aka “ókanje”). I hope you enjoy.
That was both bizarre and funny, but also really awesome. The video was great too, especially the costumes and dancing! Seriously glad to have you back and sharing your music finds again, ainar. :)