3 votes

Eminem - It's Okay (1996)

1 comment

  1. Kuromantis
    Personally, this is one of my favorite songs. These are the chorus lyrics: Personally I like it so much (enough to be the first thing I posted here) because it's a song where Eminem portrays...

    Personally, this is one of my favorite songs. These are the chorus lyrics:

    It's a broke day but everything is okay

    I'm up all night but everything is alright

    It's a rough week and I don't get enough sleep

    It's a long year pretending I belong here.

    Personally I like it so much (enough to be the first thing I posted here) because it's a song where Eminem portrays himself as an average guy trying make it through the world (and given this was in his first album and it sold under 1000 copies, he wasn't really portraying, and by "average guy", we mean that in a stereotypical/hyperbolic version of Detroit.) The melody/instruments are calm and his high pitched voice kinda fits the music strangely, though that could be just getting used to his voice.

    1 vote