12 votes

Offbeat Fridays – The thread where offbeat headlines become front page news

Tildes is a very serious site, where we discuss very serious matters like cuisine.american, grammar and incels. Tags culled from the highest voted topics from the last seven days, if anyone was bamboozled.

But one of my favourite tags happens to be offbeat! Taking its original inspiration from Sir Nils Olav III, this thread is looking for any far-fetched offbeat stories lurking in the newspapers. It may not deserve its own post, but it deserves a wider audience!


  1. mycketforvirrad
    Why businesses in this European country celebrate their failures in October Euronews – David Mac Dougall – 13th October 2023

    Why businesses in this European country celebrate their failures in October

    Finland is now home to more than 3,800 startups, with a combined enterprise value of €48.2 billion last year alone.

    In the world of startup business culture, it's okay to fail.

    In Finland those business disasters and workplace blunders are celebrated each year on 13 October with 'Failure Day'.

    Euronews – David Mac Dougall – 13th October 2023

    5 votes
  2. pseudolobster
    Solar-powered penguin audio porn to help re-establish a penguin colony via Metafilter

    Solar-powered penguin audio porn to help re-establish a penguin colony

    "Foxes are a constant threat on the mainland, so fences were installed along the cliff top near Eagles Claw Nature Reserve to keep out feral predators.

    A concrete artificial habitat was installed, specifically designed to act as a burrow with a curved entrance sharp enough to keep goannas out. And the problem identified 30 years earlier by Professor Klomp was addressed by the installation of what researchers called 'the love machine.'

    It is a solar-powered audio system that blasts mating sounds recorded from penguins on the nearby Montague Island/Baranguba out across Twofold Bay during mating season.

    'We're slowly coercing these birds into thinking this is a really good penguin colony site,' Mr Carlile said.

    'The penguins think 'oh there's a party, let's go join it.' "

    via Metafilter

    2 votes