9 votes

The National Security Agency said it collected more domestic call records than allowed, and as a result has been mass-deleting call records


  1. [2]
    I found it interesting that the EFF is requiring the NSA to keep years of records, when the EFF would rather that they weren't collected in the first place.

    I found it interesting that the EFF is requiring the NSA to keep years of records, when the EFF would rather that they weren't collected in the first place.

    The EFF has court orders preventing the NSA from deleting vast swaths of data, including five years worth of dragnet call record data spanning 2010 to 2015. That data must be stored in non-searchable form, pursuant to surveillance court orders. EFF views data preservation as necessary to prove alleged violations of the Fourth Amendment.

    1 vote
    1. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
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      1. tan
        Link Parent
        Yeah, absolutely, I just thought it was kind of funny (as funny as a huge abuse of power can be)

        Yeah, absolutely, I just thought it was kind of funny (as funny as a huge abuse of power can be)