15 votes

Sydney Ember’s Secret Sources: NYT reporter hides corporate ties of Bernie Sanders critics she highlights

1 comment

  1. Icarus
    Thank you for the eye-opening article. I will need to check out fair.org for more content it puts out. It is reporters like Ember that have always led me to fact checking people that are quoted in...

    Thank you for the eye-opening article. I will need to check out fair.org for more content it puts out.

    It is reporters like Ember that have always led me to fact checking people that are quoted in articles to better understand the background of the quote, and to help contextualize the sentiment of the article. If I found an author is specifically going out of their way to push a negative slant and is obfuscating the backgrounds of their sources, they have automatically lost credibility to me.

    This is similar to back in the 2016 election when seemingly out of nowhere two weeks before the Southern primaries, Jonathan Capehart started pushing the idea that Sanders was not the one pictured in the photograph of him speaking at a sit in protesting segregated housing. The media ran wild with the story with it being on CNN, MSNBC, et al for the week, despite the photographer saying it was Sanders, and not Bruce Rappoport. Capehart pushed the narrative that Sanders was being dishonest:

    What’s at issue is Sanders’s misleading use of a photograph to burnish already solid credentials. For a candidate who garnered 92 percent of New Hampshire Democratic voters who said the most important trait for a candidate was that he or she be “honest,” the least his campaign could do is remove that photo from its Tumblr feed and stop physically placing him where he existed only in spirit.

    To this day, Capehart still stands by that piece.

    4 votes