7 votes

Texas Rep. Hurd, lone black Republican in House, won’t seek reelection

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  1. [2]
    When Will Hurd leaves Congress, that will leave only ONE black Republican in the House, Senate, or governorships (Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC).

    When Will Hurd leaves Congress, that will leave only ONE black Republican in the House, Senate, or governorships (Sen. Tim Scott, R-SC).

    7 votes
    1. alyaza
      Link Parent
      their minority caucus in general in the house is basically sputtering at this point, and it still might contract a few people from its already negligible size. a comment on daily kos lays it out...

      their minority caucus in general in the house is basically sputtering at this point, and it still might contract a few people from its already negligible size. a comment on daily kos lays it out pretty well:

      The 116t[h] Congress had either 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 non-white Republicans, depending on how you define race. One of the arguably non-white (Amash, who is Palestinian) left the party. That left us with 6 Hispanic members, 1 Black (Hurd, who is now retiring), and two who identify as Native American (Markwayne Mullin and Tom Cole, both from Oklahoma) that probably aren’t leaving.

      This 6 Hispanic members are Jaime Herrera-Beutler (WA-3), Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-25), Bill Flores (TX-17), Anthony Gonzalez (OH-16), Brian Mast (FL-18), and Alex Mooney (WV-02).

      Gonzalez probably isn’t retiring as he just got there. Mast won in 2016, so he probably minds Trump only so much. Mooney strikes me as someone who is fine going along with Trump, although he’s never been good at running for re-election and could conceivably leave against the right Democratic candidate.

      The other three (Herrera-Beutler, Diaz-Balart, and Flores) all seem like plausible retirements.

      the nature of the seats they lost in places like california in 2018 and redistricting efforts in 2022 might promote some minority GOP caucus members, but it's definitely seeming like at minimum it'll get worse before it gets better for them, if it does get better in the first place given their absolute hemorrhaging of nonwhite voters.

      6 votes
  2. [2]
    Comment removed by site admin
    1. nacho
      Link Parent
      I believe those two facts to be strongly related. The republicans are losing voters in border districts because of their policy towards borders and immigrants. With how that policy has changed...

      [...] the GOP is going all in on Trump's wall, but not a single damn one of them even represents constituents along the border.

      I believe those two facts to be strongly related. The republicans are losing voters in border districts because of their policy towards borders and immigrants. With how that policy has changed since last election, I'd expect them to lose out even more in districts close to the southern border.

      5 votes