13 votes

The hunt for natural hydrogen reserves

1 comment

  1. Raspcoffee
    Absolutely fascinating that even things thought to be (relatively) well understood can still be shaken up like this. The later parts of the article regarding hydrogen on exoplanets is fascinating...

    ‘Some researchers have even suggested that hydrogen can be the driving force for volcanic activity,’ says Zgonnik, explaining how the oxidation of a flux of deep-seated hydrogen could provide the heat needed to melt rocks and vaporise water causing the build-up of pressure that leads to a volcanic explosion. ‘It’s not the mainly accepted theory of volcanism but myself I find it incredibly appealing, and as a chemist it makes perfect sense to me.’

    Absolutely fascinating that even things thought to be (relatively) well understood can still be shaken up like this. The later parts of the article regarding hydrogen on exoplanets is fascinating as well.

    All in all a good process for both science and cleaner energy. Here's to hoping it will at least ease the burden of carbon dependency a bit more. We desperately need it after all.

    1 vote