4 votes

Scientists say they've invented a speaker that "mutes" annoying people

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  1. stu2b50
    The title of this article is like aggressively terrible lol. For one, "Scientist" is so meaningless - not to mention they seem like "engineers" would be a better title? But after reading the...

    The title of this article is like aggressively terrible lol. For one, "Scientist" is so meaningless - not to mention they seem like "engineers" would be a better title?

    But after reading the article, the actual innovation for this product is that the MICROPHONE setup involves a set of microphones that have a thin depth of field (I'm sure there's an audio term for this but I'm borrowing photography terms), and combine that with processing and sensors that allows the microphones to move dynamically to "focus" on one person.

    This gives you X different streams of audio, one per person, and then you can do things like "mute annoying people". This is no different than if you have X people mic'd up with lav mics. The innovation is that you don't need lav mics, you just need their microphone setup.

    Somehow the title they picked focused on the SPEAKER, and the offhand comment that it could be used to "mute annoying people".

    5 votes
  2. yesnomaybe
    Seems like this using a sledgehammer to crack a grape.

    Seems like this using a sledgehammer to crack a grape.

    3 votes
  3. TanyaJLaird
    Black Mirror was a warning, not an instruction manual!

    Black Mirror was a warning, not an instruction manual!

    2 votes