stu2b50's recent activity

  1. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    It’s the reverse for the legal definitions in the US. The FDA sets a limit on how little of your chocolate contains cocoa mass - 10% for milk and 35% for dark chocolate.

    It’s the reverse for the legal definitions in the US. The FDA sets a limit on how little of your chocolate contains cocoa mass - 10% for milk and 35% for dark chocolate.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I feel like this is a such a black and white way to view things. Like with all things, it's a little of column A, a little of column B, a little of column C, a little of column D. Human behaviors...

    But is it out of pure goodness, or a desire to wipe his record clean and cement his name in history as the guy who wiped out a disease? I know which side I suspect.

    I feel like this is a such a black and white way to view things. Like with all things, it's a little of column A, a little of column B, a little of column C, a little of column D. Human behaviors are complex, and being overly cynical helps no one. You can do good and enjoy make yourself look good at the same time - that is why the former causes the latter to begin with.

    21 votes
  3. Comment on I worked for Mr. Beast, he’s a fraud in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I wouldn't go that far. While most chocolate palatable to modern consumers probably contains a significant amount of sweetners, there's nothing inherently unhealthy about cacao or its ground up...

    Chocolate should never be advertised as healthy, it should always be promoted as a treat.

    I wouldn't go that far. While most chocolate palatable to modern consumers probably contains a significant amount of sweetners, there's nothing inherently unhealthy about cacao or its ground up form, and it does contain some somewhat rare nutrients. If you consume it the way the aztecs did - that is, as a drink, spiced, but not sweetened - I don't see any particular health concerns.

    And there's no reason you couldn't make a chocolate bar that is healthy, but it'd be somewhat of an acquired taste.

    10 votes
  4. Comment on Engineers develop a recipe for zero-emissions fuel: soda cans (aluminium), seawater and caffeine in ~science

    Link Parent
    The reaction doesn’t use up the aluminum or anything. The only resource being exhausted is the water - or, well, the hydrogen atoms in the water.

    The reaction doesn’t use up the aluminum or anything. The only resource being exhausted is the water - or, well, the hydrogen atoms in the water.

    8 votes
  5. Comment on So what do political parties spend all that fundraised money on? in ~talk

    There's honestly an infinite amount of things you can spend the money on. Just to go on a quick brainstorming exercise, First, you need office space for your main campaign HQ. You also need...

    There's honestly an infinite amount of things you can spend the money on. Just to go on a quick brainstorming exercise,

    First, you need office space for your main campaign HQ. You also need offices in any important battleground states like Ohio. That's rent, utilities, people to maintain it.

    You need staff. You need staff to do internal polling, you need staff to make your advertisements, you need staff to plan your day, you need speechwriters to write your speeches, you need strategists to determine what you do, you need accountants to manage your money, you need web developers to make your campaign websites, you need designers to create your graphics.

    You need security for your campaign rallies. You need staff who will handle the booking of the venues for your rallies.

    You need transportation - often private jets. While it sounds extravagant, at one point Obama was making doing 3 campaign rallies, at 3 different states a DAY.

    You need to pay for television advertisements, youtube advertisements, billboards. You need staff to manage volunteers going door-to-door.

    You can come up with an infinite number of things to spend money on.

    9 votes
  6. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I don't think it will. Let's say Netflix and Amazon agree to have a bundle; do you think that Netflix or Amazon will ever agree to surrender the sovereignty of owning their own subscription plan?...

    I don't think it will. Let's say Netflix and Amazon agree to have a bundle; do you think that Netflix or Amazon will ever agree to surrender the sovereignty of owning their own subscription plan? Never.

    Price increases? Sure. Bundles being the only option? Nah.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    It is what it is. In the end, movies and TV shows are big, big productions, unlike music, which can be done with much less funds (sometimes even in the bedrooms of teenagers). So funding from...

    It is what it is. In the end, movies and TV shows are big, big productions, unlike music, which can be done with much less funds (sometimes even in the bedrooms of teenagers). So funding from platforms for exclusivity is tempting.

    Personally, I LIKE that exclusives exist - it means platforms have incentive to pour loads and loads of money onto new shows. So many of the best television that has been produced in the last few decades came from the era of every streaming site writing blank checks to producers and directors. These are things that wouldn't exist without content being part of competition.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    You say that, but we actually have exactly that best-of-both-worlds forming. You can get a bundle, for a discount, with many streaming services; or, you can pick and choose if you just want...

    Clearly the market consumers want something in the middle, but it's not really in the best interests of the larger companies to do so, so we'll of course see some regression.

    You say that, but we actually have exactly that best-of-both-worlds forming. You can get a bundle, for a discount, with many streaming services; or, you can pick and choose if you just want disney, or just want hulu, or just want hbo. You can subscribe for a year; or a month. You have the choice to pay for what you want, and discounts for bulk purchases. Perfetto.

    Cable has much stronger centralizing forces... notably that the distribution method was completely owned by one collection of entities, which does not exist for the internet. Companies will form bundles, because price discrimination, and that's good, since it's carving out discounts for consumers who, for whatever reason, do need all three services.

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Linear content refers to traditional TV broadcasting. It's linear because you have to watch in the order it is broadcast, vs on demand streaming where you can watch the same episode of the office...

    Linear content refers to traditional TV broadcasting. It's linear because you have to watch in the order it is broadcast, vs on demand streaming where you can watch the same episode of the office on repeat if you wanted.

    7 votes
  10. Comment on SAG-AFTRA calls strike against major video game companies after nearly two years of contract talks in ~games

    Unfortunately they don't have very much leverage. Non-union VAs are very prevalent - in fact, it's practically the majority at this point. Neither do English VAs really have the star power to turn...

    Unfortunately they don't have very much leverage. Non-union VAs are very prevalent - in fact, it's practically the majority at this point. Neither do English VAs really have the star power to turn heads when they are replaced.

    15 votes
  11. Comment on Disney+, Hulu, Max bundle now available in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Isn't that what people wanted? You hear complaints all the time that "streaming is so fragmented, I miss when I could just have one subscription". Well, it's working towards that.

    Isn't that what people wanted? You hear complaints all the time that "streaming is so fragmented, I miss when I could just have one subscription". Well, it's working towards that.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on Buying facemasks in the hope of avoiding becoming permanently disabled due to long COVID in ~health

    Link Parent
    Well, that goes into the mystery of "does long covid actually exist" - there are so many symptoms, of such breadth, and the particular symptoms of each person who claims to have seems like a...

    Well, that goes into the mystery of "does long covid actually exist" - there are so many symptoms, of such breadth, and the particular symptoms of each person who claims to have seems like a random subset of those. There's no clear sign on what would even be damaged inside the body, by what, to cause these symptoms.

    14 votes
  13. Comment on Southwest Airlines says 'assigned and premium seating' will replace open seating plan in ~transport

    Honestly, good. Open seating was one of my least favorite parts of southwest. Part of the promise is that "you don't have to pay for better seats", but actually, you do, since for ages now if you...

    Honestly, good. Open seating was one of my least favorite parts of southwest. Part of the promise is that "you don't have to pay for better seats", but actually, you do, since for ages now if you want to be in A block you have to pay for earlier access - hell, sometimes you end in B anyway even if you pay and set an alarm.

    It also makes people extra psychotic when lining up for boarding. Assigned seats are simple in comparison. You have a seat, and you just need to get to it.

    26 votes
  14. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    What would that change about this situation? If anything, it would make Reddit's position even firmer.

    What would that change about this situation? If anything, it would make Reddit's position even firmer.

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    How would you not allow this? Companies are allowed to sell their products for the price they wish and to the consumers they wish.

    How would you not allow this? Companies are allowed to sell their products for the price they wish and to the consumers they wish.

    5 votes
  16. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That’s just life. It’s hard to compete against Apple when trying to get preferential deals in the supply chain because an Apple deal is a multi billion dollar deal. Reddit is just a supplier of...

    That’s just life. It’s hard to compete against Apple when trying to get preferential deals in the supply chain because an Apple deal is a multi billion dollar deal. Reddit is just a supplier of data, in the same way TSMC is a supplier of chip fabrication or Samsung is a supplier of OLED screens.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on Has sexual content invaded too much of the internet? in ~tech

    I find it really interesting, because both sides have loud advocates. I see an equal amount, if not more, complaints that big internet companies are deliberately pushing down adult content, in a...

    I find it really interesting, because both sides have loud advocates. I see an equal amount, if not more, complaints that big internet companies are deliberately pushing down adult content, in a purportedly unfair manner.

    You will absolutely get demonitized on Youtube. Twitch is liable to ban you. Advertisers hate adult content. Mastercard and Visa are liable to stop processing your charges.

    It produces a ton of clicks, which is all these user-posted content sites (and advertisers) care about.

    Trust me, advertisers DO NOT like the porn.

    43 votes
  18. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Because they're the only ones paying at the moment. By all accounts, Reddit is more than happy to take your money if you would like access to their data. The other companies have their opportunity...

    Because they're the only ones paying at the moment. By all accounts, Reddit is more than happy to take your money if you would like access to their data. The other companies have their opportunity to have a bite at it, they just aren't (except for Kagi, who also have Reddit search results still).

    8 votes
  19. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I could only see it if it were exclusive, which as far as we know it isn't. You can't stop Reddit from stopping access to its sites, in the end.

    I could only see it if it were exclusive, which as far as we know it isn't. You can't stop Reddit from stopping access to its sites, in the end.

    6 votes
  20. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Reddit has actually been doing very well post-IPO. In hindsight the API debacle was smart on its part.

    Reddit has actually been doing very well post-IPO. In hindsight the API debacle was smart on its part.

    15 votes